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12 Armed Planets


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Last Updated: November 15th, 2013

All of these planets are armed with a 4000 meter range planet phaser. All my planets will be

armed from now on and you can use the examples here to arm any planet. I use 50000x50000 maps

mostly so you can change the range of the weapon for smaller maps in fpphas, p4phot &

ppulse.odf. Armed planets really change the game and the AI uses them pretty well. I''ve

added a planet pulse phaser on a couple of these planets with the same power and range as

the phaser along with long-range photons topredoes.

Author Details: Twitch @ twitch90280 TYPEAT yahoo TYPEDOT com

File Size: 3.2 MB
File MD5: 0fbc5eeb072598f3e56cc7ed0f028b81

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