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Last Updated: November 15th, 2013

here is my version of the federation spacedock.

It depicts the larger TNG � Version of the spacedock that can support even the largest federation ships.

It is a HQ-Model with 7148 polys. Since it runs perfectly on my computer I think that�s no problem.

I made the model following the photos that you can find on the net. If you want to see some reference go to

Do not be astonished about the long weapons list. The station is quite tall so they are needed.

I have seldom seen it using them all.

If you do not like it change it.

Author Details: Shadow @ none TYPEAT none TYPEDOT com

File Size: 4.5 MB
File MD5: 411e18b0aacdf26f75aa07c3e9d323c9

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