Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Race Descriptions (lexicon.dic); support/discussion/questions

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BORG Trouble Maker
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Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Given we had no list of the lexicon.dic entries yet, and they are pretty messed all around, I thought it would be worth to put some list together.
In addition in UE the lexicon entries all are indexed by number, which is barily readable and definitely is not acceptable for further coding.

To group these entries I first attempted to just have a look ingame for what labels of interest I could match up. But same like Tethys I soon realized there are many duplicates and seemingly unused entries. My grouping I felt was very inadequate, so I came up with another idea and edited UE some little to re-label all of them to numbers, so ingame I could match up what entry is being displayed. As a result I couldn't stop myself to put this whole list together. :mrgreen:

The list is in sync with ... es/dic/idx
I hope it will be of good help to some modding. And I'm looking forward to any additions and correction you find!

Menu Labels: #p55644
Data Values: #p55645
Summary Events: #p55646
Event Notifications: #p55647
Game Notifications: #p55648
Last edited by Flocke on Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:44 am, edited 6 times in total.
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BORG Trouble Maker
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Descriptive UI labels of the many menus.
Excluding the displayed data values.

## Menu.Shared ##
218  Defense                                 // confirmed by value change: galaxy, system (& likely combat)
1370 Turn                                    // confirmed by value change: galaxy, system, intel, research, diplomacy
1372 TURNS                                   // confirmed by value change: system & diplomacy
1373 TURNS_REMAINING                         // confirmed by value change: system & diplomacy
54   AvailablePointsAndBonuses               // confirmed by value change: research & empire intel info
1181 Status                                  // confirmed by value change: research & diplomacy
668  MORALE                                  // confirmed by value change: system, galaxy map & empire status
1214 System                                  // confirmed by value change: economics, system panel & system screen
919  Population                              // confirmed by value change: galaxy tooltip & system panel
595  LABOR_POOL                              // confirmed by value change: system & galaxy map
1119 Ship                                    // confirmed by value change: galaxy fleet & events
1364 TradeGoods                              // confirmed by value change: build queue, summary & economics
1453 YES                                     // confirmed by value change: options & proposal
828  NO                                      // confirmed by value change: options & proposal

## Menu.BuildingStats ##
529  IndustryBuildCost                       // confirmed by value change: system & database
921  PopulationMaintenanceCost               // confirmed by value change: system & database
282  EnergyMaintenanceCost                   // confirmed by value change: system & database
see Data.System.Restrictions
1005 Restriction                             // confirmed by value change: system & database
1006 Restrictions                            // confirmed by value change: system & database, if multiple
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change: system & database

## Menu.ShipStats ##
1122 XClass                                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 Class %2"
for short description, see Data.SpaceCraft.ShipCategoryDescriptions
116  CanCloak                                // confirmed by value change: galaxy, system & database -> "Can cloak."
528  Data.System.Production.Industry         // confirmed by value change: system & database
109  BuildCost                               // confirmed by value change: system & database
435  HitPointsPerShields                     // confirmed by value change: system & database -> "Hit Points / Shields"
for weapons, see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons & .TorpedoWeapons
877  XEach                                   // confirmed by value change: system & database -> "%d each" weapon damage
405  GalSpeed                                // confirmed by value change: database, fleet & redeploy details
404  GalRange                                // confirmed by value change: database, fleet & redeploy details
615  MaintenanceCost                         // confirmed by value change: database, galaxy map & system build
434  HitPoints                               // confirmed by value change: galaxy, database & combat ship details
1115 ShieldStrength                          // confirmed by value change: galaxy
218  Shared.Defense                          // confirmed by value change: system
1097 SCANNER_RANGE                           // confirmed by value change: fleet & redeploy details
178  Complete                                // confirmed by value change: outpost in build

## Menu.GameSetup.NewGame ##
for game configuration, see Data.GameSettings

## Menu.GameSetup.RaceInfo ##
270  Cardassians                             // confirmed by value change: "The Cardassians will go to any length to ensure the loyalty of their subjects..."
272  Federation                              // confirmed by value change: "The Federation is a free society, and its people value liberty and equality..."
271  Ferengi                                 // confirmed by value change: "The Ferengi have built an entire society around the profit motive..."
273  Klingons                                // confirmed by value change: "The Klingons are among the most feared warriors of the galaxy..."
274  Romulans                                // confirmed by value change: "The Romulans are a secretive people, enigmatic and often unpredictable..."

## Menu.GameSetup.LoadGame ##
suffix to unnamed savegames, for others labels refer Data.GameSettings
406  Galaxy                                  // confirmed by value change

## Menu.Options ##
1416 VOLUME_CONTROL                          // confirmed by value change
1413 VOICE                                   // confirmed by value change
1411 VIDEO                                   // confirmed by value change
797  MUSIC                                   // confirmed by value change
1113 SFX                                     // confirmed by value change
1182 STRATEGIC_TIMER                         // confirmed by value change
1247 TACTICAL_TIMER                          // confirmed by value change
tooltips, random events, autosave
1453 Shared.YES                              // confirmed by value change
828  Shared.NO                               // confirmed by value change
tactical combat
621  Data.Shared.MANUAL                      // confirmed by value change
52   Data.Shared.AUTOMATIC                   // confirmed by value change
872  Data.Shared.None                        // confirmed by value change

## Menu.Galaxy ##
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change

left top empire info stats
## Menu.Galaxy.EmpireInfo ##
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change
1361 TOTAL_CREDITS                           // confirmed by value change
194  CREDITS_PER_TURN                        // confirmed by value change
239  Data.System.Restrictions.Dilithium      // confirmed by value change
310  Events                                  // confirmed by value change

## Menu.Galaxy.Map ##
galaxy header line, used for sector info
see fleet MoveProgress & Data.Galaxy.Ownership
1382 UnclaimedSector                         // confirmed by value change: "Unclaimed Sector %s"
187  ContestedSector                         // confirmed by value change: "Contested Sector %s"
1107 SectorX                                 // confirmed by value change: "Sector %s"
1385 UnexploredSector                        // confirmed by value change: "Unexplored Sector %s"
1096 ScanStrength                            // confirmed by value change: "Scan Strength %d"
1109 SelectPlanetToTerraform                 // confirmed by value change
sector info tooltips
see Data.Galaxy.StellarObjects
218  Shared.Defense                          // confirmed by value change
422  GroundCombat                            // confirmed by value change
623  Planets                                 // confirmed by value change
914  PlanetaryShields                        // confirmed by value change
1153 Planet                                  // confirmed by value change: 0 planet by supernova
1252 TaskForce                               // confirmed by value change
919  Shared.Population                       // confirmed by value change
890  OrbitalBatteries                        // confirmed by value change
58   Data.SpaceCraft.Condition.OPERATIONAL   // confirmed by value change: outpost status
178  ShipStats.Complete                      // confirmed by value change
economic tooltips
496  EventDetails.Galactic.CreditsStolen     // confirmed by value change: "%d credits stolen."

fleet & ship info
## Menu.Galaxy.Fleet ##
1119 Shared.Ship                             // confirmed by value change: unknown ship, see Data.Ownership
1139 Data.Combat.VesselType.Ships            // confirmed by value change
1372 Shared.TURNS                            // confirmed by value change

for commands, see Data.SpaceCraft.FleetCommand
for weapons, see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons & .TorpedoWeapons
116  ShipStats.CanCloak                      // confirmed by value change: "Can cloak."
for experience, see Data.SpaceCraft.CrewExperience
405  ShipStats.GalSpeed                      // confirmed by value change: fleet & redeploy details
404  ShipStats.GalRange                      // confirmed by value change: fleet & redeploy details
199  CREW_EXP                                // confirmed by value change: redeploy details
615  ShipStats.MaintenanceCost               // confirmed by value change: tooltip & redeploy details
434  ShipStats.HitPoints                     // confirmed by value change: tooltip & redeploy details
1115 ShipStats.ShieldStrength                // confirmed by value change: tooltip & redeploy details
1097 ShipStats.SCANNER_RANGE                 // confirmed by value change: fleet & redeploy details
58   Data.SpaceCraft.Condition.OPERATIONAL   // confirmed by value change: outpost status
293  MoveProgress                            // confirmed by value change: "eta", also displayed in galaxy header
178  ShipStats.Complete                      // confirmed by value change: outpost build progress

the bottom system panel
## Menu.Galaxy.SystemPanel ##
see Data.Galaxy.PlanetTypes, .Population & .PlanetBonus
1214 Shared.System                           // confirmed by value change
919  Shared.Population                       // confirmed by value change
626  MaxPop                                  // confirmed by value change
425  GrowthRate                              // confirmed by value change
891  Orbitals                                // confirmed by value change
system panel tooltips
240  DilithiumPresent                        // confirmed by value change: sun tooltip
stellar objects
228  Description                             // confirmed by value change

galaxy map selection in system panel
## Menu.Galaxy.StellarDescriptions ##
95   BlackHole                               // confirmed by value change: "The gravity well caused by the Black Hole makes sensor readings of this sector unreliable..."
803  Nebula                                  // confirmed by value change: "Sensor readings are less reliable within the Nebula..."
811  NeutronStarEmission                     // confirmed by value change: "Radiative emissions from the Neutron Star make sensor readings of this sector unreliable..."
969  RadioPulsarEmission                     // confirmed by value change: "Radiative emissions from the Radio Pulsar disrupt sensors in this sector and adjacent sectors..."
1448 Wormhole                                // confirmed by value change: "Wormholes are subspace shortcuts.  A wormhole allows starships..."
1451 RadiativeEmission                       // confirmed by value change: "Radiative emissions from the X-Ray Pulsar disrupt sensors in this sector..."

left context menu
## Menu.Galaxy.Events ##
305  EVENT_SECTOR                            // confirmed by value change: "EVENT|SECTOR" combined string

left context menu
## Menu.Galaxy.Economy ##
1214 Shared.System                           // confirmed by value change
see Data.System.Morale
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change
193  Data.System.Production.Credits          // confirmed by value change
595  Shared.LABOR_POOL                       // confirmed by value change
208  CURRENT_BUILD                           // confirmed by value change
1364 Shared.TradeGoods                       // confirmed by value change
1381 Unassigned                              // confirmed by value change: trade routes

## Menu.Galaxy.Summary ##
for build tasks, refer SystemScreen.BuildTasks
311  EventsThisTurn                          // confirmed by value change
799  Name                                    // confirmed by value change: relationships & systems
528  Data.System.Production.Industry         // confirmed by value change
365  Data.System.Production.Food             // confirmed by value change
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change
108  Build                                   // confirmed by value change
624  XTurns                                  // confirmed by value change: "%d turns"
886  OneTurn                                 // confirmed by value change: "1 turn"
174  CommencingX                             // confirmed by value change: "Commencing %s" tribunal

## Menu.SystemScreen ##
for system panel, see galaxy map
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change
1214 Shared.System                           // confirmed by value change

left panel system stats
## Menu.SystemScreen.SystemInfo ##
1215 SYSTEM_INFO                             // confirmed by value change
see Data.System.Morale
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change
193  Data.System.Production.Credits          // confirmed by value change
365  Data.System.Production.Food             // confirmed by value change
528  Data.System.Production.Industry         // confirmed by value change
279  Data.System.Production.Energy           // confirmed by value change
548  Data.System.Production.Intelligence     // confirmed by value change
996  Data.System.Production.Research         // confirmed by value change
412  GeneratedCredits                        // confirmed by value change
195  CreditsSpent                            // confirmed by value change
366  FoodGenerated                           // confirmed by value change
625  MaxGrowthFoodDemand                     // confirmed by value change
1191 SustenanceFoodDemand                    // confirmed by value change
530  IndustryGenerated                       // confirmed by value change
280  EnergyGenerated                         // confirmed by value change
644  MinimumEnergyDemand                     // confirmed by value change
735  MoralePoints                            // confirmed by value change: "%d Morale Points"

shared by build queue and system summary
## Menu.SystemScreen.BuildTasks ##
1364 Shared.TradeGoods                       // confirmed by value change
1399 UpgradeX                                // confirmed by value change: "Upgrade %s"
1404 UpgradeScanner                          // confirmed by value change
1406 UpgradeStructure
1393 Data.Shared.Unknown                     // confirmed by value change

right build order queue
## Menu.SystemScreen.BuildQueue ##
for build tasks, refer BuildTasks
112  BUILD_QUEUE                             // confirmed by value change
52   Data.Shared.AUTOMATIC                   // confirmed by value change
621  Data.Shared.MANUAL                      // confirmed by value change
241  DILITHIUM_SHORTAGE                      // confirmed by value change
1373 Shared.TURNS_REMAINING                  // confirmed by value change
111  BuildPurchased                          // confirmed by value change
276  Empty                                   // confirmed by value change
1134 ShipYardUnpowered                       // confirmed by value change
483  InProgress                              // might be for martial law
883  OnHold                                  // On Hold)
1356 RemoveAllTooltip                        // confirmed by value change: "Shift-click to remove all."
1357 RemoveTooltip                           // confirmed by value change: "Click to remove %s."
1358 UpgradeTooltip                          // confirmed by value change: "Click to remove upgrade to %s"

## Menu.SystemScreen.ProductionSummary ##
928  PRODUCTION_SUMMARY                      // confirmed by value change
595  Shared.LABOR_POOL                       // confirmed by value change
897  OUTPUT                                  // confirmed by value change
853  NoStructures                            // confirmed by value change: "No %s structures"
852  NoShipYard
365  Data.System.Production.Food             // confirmed by value change
528  Data.System.Production.Industry         // confirmed by value change
279  Data.System.Production.Energy           // confirmed by value change
548  Data.System.Production.Intelligence     // confirmed by value change
996  Data.System.Production.Research         // confirmed by value change
1360 TechBonus                               // confirmed by value change: " +%d%% Technology Bonus"
1359 SystemBonus                             // confirmed by value change: " +%d%% System Bonus"
1355 EmpireBonus                             // " +%d%% Empire Bonus"
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change

## Menu.SystemScreen.EnergyManagement ##
note, the orbital batteries label is not read from the lexicon
283  ENERGY_MANAGEMENT                       // confirmed by value change
218  Shared.Defense                          // confirmed by value change
1148 SHORT_ENERGY                            // confirmed by value change
1170 Special                                 // confirmed by value change
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change

structure build menu
## Menu.SystemScreen.BuildList ##
1372 Shared.TURNS                            // confirmed by value change
110  BUILD_LIST                              // confirmed by value change
1185 STRUCTURES                              // confirmed by value change
529  BuildingStats.IndustryBuildCost         // confirmed by value change
921  BuildingStats.PopulationMaintenanceCost // confirmed by value change
282  BuildingStats.EnergyMaintenanceCost     // confirmed by value change
see Data.System.Restrictions
1005 BuildingStats.Restriction               // confirmed by value change
1006 BuildingStats.Restrictions              // confirmed by value change: if multiple
668  BuildingStats.MORALE                    // confirmed by value change
build task
1400 UpgradeToY                              // confirmed by value change: "Upgrade to %s"
1402 UpgradeNXToY                            // confirmed by value change: "Upgrade %d1 %2 to %3"
1403 UpgradeXToY                             // Upgrade %1 to %2"
1362 TotalIncrease                           // confirmed by value change
1391 UnitIncrease                            // confirmed by value change

ship build menu
looks identical to the build list but has a few different labels
## Menu.SystemScreen.ShipBuild ##
1372 Shared.TURNS                            // confirmed by value change
1125 SHIP_LIST                               // confirmed by value change
1139 Data.Combat.VesselType.Ships            // confirmed by value change
1122 ShipStats.XClass                        // confirmed by value change
for short description, see Data.SpaceCraft.ShipCategoryDescriptions
116  ShipStats.CanCloak                      // confirmed by value change
528  ShipStats.Industry                      // confirmed by value change
109  ShipStats.BuildCost                     // confirmed by value change
435  ShipStats.HitPointsPerShields           // confirmed by value change
for weapons, see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons & .TorpedoWeapons
877  ShipStats.XEach                         // confirmed by value change: weapon damage
404  ShipStats.GalRange                      // confirmed by value change
405  ShipStats.GalSpeed                      // confirmed by value change
615  ShipStats.MaintenanceCost               // confirmed by value change

existing structures
## Menu.SystemScreen.StructureList ##
209  CURRENT_STRUCTURES                      // confirmed by value change
1104 Scrap                                   // confirmed by value change

## Menu.IntelScreen ##
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change

## Menu.IntelScreen.EmpireIntelInfo ##
267  EmpireIntelInfo                         // confirmed by value change
54   Shared.AvailablePointsAndBonuses        // confirmed by value change
547  IntelStrength                           // confirmed by value change
533  IntSecurity                             // confirmed by value change
292  Espionage                               // confirmed by value change
1093 Sabotage                                // confirmed by value change
261  EconomyDept                             // confirmed by value change
1100 ScienceDept                             // confirmed by value change
643  MilitaryDept                            // confirmed by value change

## Menu.IntelScreen.InternalSecurity ##
for espionage 292 & sabotage 1093, see above
550  InternalSecurity                        // confirmed by value change
17   AgentSpecialty                          // confirmed by value change

## Menu.IntelScreen.DetailReport ##
for agency IntSecurity 533, see above
for source, see Data.Galaxy.Ownership
233  DetailReport                            // confirmed by value change
851  NoReport                                // confirmed by value change
empire status
258  Economic                                // confirmed by value change
1099 Science                                 // confirmed by value change
642  Military                                // confirmed by value change
646  MinorRace                               // confirmed by value change
668  Shared.MORALE                           // confirmed by value change
1217 SystemsHeld                             // confirmed by value change

## Menu.ResearchScreen ##
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change

## Menu.ResearchScreen.TechInfo ##
275  EmpireTechInfo                          // confirmed by value change
54   Shared.AvailablePointsAndBonuses        // confirmed by value change
427  GrpPoints                               // confirmed by value change

## Menu.ResearchScreen.Management ##
research fields are hard-coded, not of Data.Research.Field
210  CurrentTechLevel                        // confirmed by value change
1003 Researching                             // confirmed by value change
426  Allocation                              // confirmed by value change
930  Progress                                // confirmed by value change
391  XFutureBiotech                          // Future Biotech %d"
393  XFutureComputerTech                     // Future Computer %d"
394  XFutureConstructionTech                 // Future Construction %d"
396  XFutureEnergy                           // Future Energy %d"
398  XFuturePropulsion                       // Future Propulsion %d"
401  XFutureTech                             // Future Tech %d"
402  XFutureWeapon                           // Future Weapon %d"

## Menu.ResearchScreen.TechnologyDatabase ##
general, below tech image
1181 Shared.Status                           // confirmed by value change
53   Available                               // confirmed by value change
874  NotAvailable                            // confirmed by value change
994  ReqRP                                   // confirmed by value change: required research points -> "Req. RP"
923  Prerequisite                            // confirmed by value change: "Prerequisite For"
propulsion technology descriptions
975  ShipRange                               // confirmed by value change: "Ship Range: %d1/%d2/%d3"

## Menu.ResearchScreen.ObjectDatabase ##
general, below image / ship view
1181 Shared.Status                           // confirmed by value change
53   TechnologyDatabase.Available            // confirmed by value change
874  TechnologyDatabase.NotAvailable         // confirmed by value change
requirements, see Data.Research.Field
995  Requirement                             // confirmed by value change
statistic tab
529  BuildingStats.IndustryBuildCost         // confirmed by value change
921  BuildingStats.PopulationMaintenanceCost // confirmed by value change
282  BuildingStats.EnergyMaintenanceCost     // confirmed by value change
see Data.System.Restrictions
1005 BuildingStats.Restriction               // confirmed by value change
1006 BuildingStats.Restrictions              // confirmed by value change: if multiple
668  BuildingStats.MORALE                    // confirmed by value change
1122 ShipStats.XClass                        // confirmed by value change
for short descriptions, see Data.SpaceCraft.ShipCategoryDescriptions
116  ShipStats.CanCloak                      // confirmed by value change
528  ShipStats.Industry                      // confirmed by value change
109  ShipStats.BuildCost                     // confirmed by value change
435  ShipStats.HitPointsPerShields           // confirmed by value change
for weapons, see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons & .TorpedoWeapons
877  ShipStats.XEach                         // confirmed by value change: weapon damage
405  ShipStats.GalSpeed                      // confirmed by value change
404  ShipStats.GalRange                      // confirmed by value change
615  ShipStats.MaintenanceCost               // confirmed by value change

## Menu.DiplomacyScreen ##
1370 Shared.Turn                             // confirmed by value change
243  DiplomaticRelations                     // confirmed by value change

shared for active treaties & proposals
## Menu.DiplomacyScreen.TreatyList ##
965  Race                                    // confirmed by value change
see Data.Diplomacy.Treaties
1368 Treaty                                  // confirmed by value change
see Data.Diplomacy.TreatyDuration
251  Duration                                // confirmed by value change: listing & details
see Data.Diplomacy.TreatyStatus
1181 Shared.Status                           // confirmed by value change
417  Give                                    // confirmed by value change: event list -> 414 GiftTreaty

active treaty details
## Menu.DiplomacyScreen.Treaties ##
for terms & status refer Data.Diplomacy
1369 TREATY_TERMS                            // confirmed by value change
251  TreatyList.Duration                     // confirmed by value change
1373 Shared.TURNS_REMAINING                  // confirmed by value change
196  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyTerms.XCredits     // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits to %3"
904  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyFrequency.PerTurn  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits per turn to %3"
278  XWar                                    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 declares war on %2"
1425 XWarPact                                // confirmed by value change: "%s1 declares war as well."

## Menu.DiplomacyScreen.Proposal ##
for terms & status refer Data.Diplomacy
territories & war pact war
1453 Shared.YES                              // confirmed by value change
828  Shared.NO                               // confirmed by value change
duration, see Data.Diplomacy.TreatyDuration
1372 Shared.TURNS                            // confirmed by value change

treaty event details
## Menu.DiplomacyScreen.Events ##
for terms & status refer Data.Diplomacy
1369 Treaties.TREATY_TERMS                   // confirmed by value change
251  TreatyList.Duration                     // confirmed by value change
1372 Shared.TURNS                            // confirmed by value change
196  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyTerms.XCredits     // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits to %3"
904  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyFrequency.PerTurn  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits per turn to %3"

## Menu.Combat.Encounter ##
combat encounter, also displayed in battle when pointing no ships
167  CombatOccurs                            // confirmed by value change: "Combat occurring in sector %1"
1139 Data.Combat.VesselType.Ships            // confirmed by value change
800  XList                                   // confirmed by value change: "%s{{, %s} and %s}"
1126 XYSpace                                 // confirmed by value change: " %d1 %2"
1127 XYComma                                 // confirmed by value change: ", %d1 %2"

combat view
## Menu.Combat.BattleView ##
top right info text
915  PLAYBACK_MODE                           // confirmed by value change
1110 SelectTarget                            // confirmed by value change

## Menu.Combat.FleetPanel (bottom) ##
bottom fleet panel
1251 X2ColonY2                               // confirmed by value change: "%1 %2: %d3 %4"
see Data.Combat.VesselType                   // confirmed by value change: Ships (1139), BorgCubes (207), Devices (235), XY (1151)

left details tab
## Menu.Combat.ShipInfo ##
see Data.Combat.ShipGroup
see Data.Combat.CombatTactics
892  Orders                                  // confirmed by value change
218  Shared.Defense                          // confirmed by value change
see Data.SpaceCraft.CrewExperience
197  Crew                                    // confirmed by value change
434  ShipStats.HitPoints                     // confirmed by value change
1116 Shields                                 // confirmed by value change
see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons
see Data.SpaceCraft.TorpedoWeapons
see Data.Combat.ShipGroupDescriptions
211  DamageControl                           // confirmed by value change

fleets / enemy menu selection
see Data.Combat.ShipGroup
see Data.Galaxy.Ownership

## Menu.Combat.BattleEvents ##
see Data.Combat.ShipGroupRole
423  X4_1                                    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 %2 %3 %4"
1139 Data.Combat.VesselType.Ships            // confirmed by value change
see Data.Combat.CombatTactics

see Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons
61   XDamage                                 // confirmed by value change: "The %1 fires %2 at %3 doing %d4 points of damage."
62   XMiss                                   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 fires %2 at %3 and misses."
see Data.SpaceCraft.TorpedoWeapons
931  XFired                                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 fired by %2."
932  XHit                                    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 hit by %2 taking %d3 points of damage."
1117 XShields                                // confirmed by value change: "Shields at %d1%%."
443  XHull                                   // confirmed by value change: "Hull at %d1%%."
231  Event.Combat.XDestroyed                 // confirmed by value change: "%s destroyed"
1118 XDown                                   // Down"
1129 XRams                                   // "%s1 rams %2"
1130 XRetreats                               // "%s1 retreats."
1131 X4_2                                    // "%s1 %2 %3 %4"
424  XTargeting_1                            // Targeting %s %s ships"
1152 XTargeting_2                            // Targeting %s %s"
1154 XTargeting_3                            // Targeting %s %s"
212  XDamaged                                // "%s1 takes %d2 points of damage."

not found to be used in any menu yet
but grouped for better lookup

## Menu.Others ##
Button labels
likely button label leftovers that have been dismissed
main menu, missing savegame, options & retire
188  Continue
822  NewSinglePlayerGame
816  NewMultiplayerGame
608  LoadGame
430  HallOfFame
964  QuitGame
Menu navigation for new game, new multiplayer,...
117  Cancel
for debug output or something?
Game status
238  Difficulty
407  GalaxyShape
408  GalaxySize
268  EmpirePopulation
269  EmpireResearch
666  Money                                   // possibly used by some event
New proposal selections
814  WarDeclaration                          // New Declaration of War"
815  GiftTreaty                              // New Gift Treaty"
817  PeaceTreaty                             // New Peace Treaty"
824  TradeTreaty                             // New Trade Treaty"
825  WarPact                                 // New War Pact Treaty"
possibly unused categories or event labels
see Menu.IntelScreen.DetailReport
Empire capability
411  General
361  Financial
926  Production
1438 Wealth
Game setup
157  CommandPromptCursor                     // ":>"
180  Configuration
602  Level
603  LevelOne                                // Level 1"
609  Loading
1094 Saving
1163 Space
808  Network
916  Player
409  Game
924  ProcessingTurn                          // duplicate of single player popup notification 1371
1398 UnsubmitTurn
1216 XSystem                                 // "%s SYSTEM"
795  SectorETA                               // Sector %s ETA %d"
833  NoEvents                                // events
1257 TerraformPoints
428  Habitability
905  X_COMPLETE                              // outpost related? "%d%% COMPLETE"
989  Regroup
1354 CurrentBuildTurns                       // "%d T", not used by galaxy economy, system, summary,...
1426 Warehouse
1427 WarehouseEnergy                         // Warehouse energy"
1428 WarehouseFood                           // Warehouse food"
1429 WarehouseLocation                       // Warehouse location"
113  BuildingShip
114  BuildingStructure
177  Commodity
294  BuildProgress                           // "%s eta %d turns\n%s"
531  Info
532  Inhabitants
594  Labor
617  Make
619  MakingTradeGoods
922  POP
927  ProdEfficiency                          // Prod. Efficiency"
957  Purchased
988  XCreditsRefunded                        // "(%d credits refunded)"
1384 Unemployment
888  OperativeEfficiency
1180 Statistics
1254 TechLevel                               // tech level"
1255 Prerequisite                            // Pre-Requisite For", not tech database
992  ReplacesX                               // Replaces %s"
32   Allows
91   Benefit
244  DiplomaticStatus
249  DrawFire
416  GiveGift
478  Ignore
549  Intergalactic
551  Interstellar
556  Denied                                  // is denied"
647  MinorRace                               // not empire status
1114 ShareIntelligence
1365 Request
1392 UnityX                                  // Unity %c%c"
41   Artillery
281  EnergyLevelShipStatus                   // Energy Level ship status"
1132 ShipType
1171 SPEED
2    Action
50   CombatAutoResolved                      // Combat being resolved automatically..."
51   Automated
163  Cloaked
168  CombatRange
169  CombatSpeed
1108 SelectOrder
1412 Visible
297  Event
301  EventHistory
620  Manifestation                           // manifestation"
796  MultipleInstances
821  NewShipType
826  NEXT
997  ResearchGenerated
1002 Researched
1004 Restoring
1374 Type
1405 U
Last edited by Flocke on Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:21 am, edited 9 times in total.
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BORG Trouble Maker
BORG Trouble Maker
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Data labels used by combo boxes and value descriptions.

## Data.Shared ##
880  OFF                                     // confirmed by value change: game setup
627  Medium                                  // confirmed by value change: game setup (galaxy size) and space craft (ship range)
621  MANUAL                                  // confirmed by value change: game options (tactical timer & system build)
52   AUTOMATIC                               // confirmed by value change: game options (tactical timer & system build)
872  None                                    // confirmed by value change: game options & diplomacy
1393 Unknown                                 // confirmed by value change: intel, diplomacy, fleet info and summary screen (relationships & build task)
798  NotAvailable                            // confirmed by value change: intel & diplomacy -> "n/a"
809  Neutral                                 // confirmed by value change: diplomacy relationship & reputation

## Data.GameSettings.StartCondition ##
88   BEGINNING                               // confirmed by value change
252  EARLY                                   // confirmed by value change
234  DEVELOPED                               // confirmed by value change
312  EXPANDED                                // confirmed by value change
4    ADVANCED                                // confirmed by value change

load savegame
## Data.GameSettings.PlayerRace ##
125  Cardassians                             // confirmed by value change
319  Federation                              // confirmed by value change
323  Ferengi                                 // confirmed by value change
563  Klingons                                // confirmed by value change
1061 Romulans                                // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.MinorRaces ##
872  Shared.None;                            // confirmed by value change
358  FEW                                     // confirmed by value change
1161 SOME                                    // confirmed by value change
622  MANY                                    // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.Difficulty ##
1150 SIMPLE                                  // confirmed by value change
256  EASY                                    // confirmed by value change
873  NORMAL                                  // confirmed by value change
433  HARD                                    // confirmed by value change
482  IMPOSSIBLE                              // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.Timer ##
872  Shared.None;                            // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.RandomEvents ##
880  Shared.OFF;                             // confirmed by value change
882  ON                                      // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.TacticalCombat ##
621  Shared.MANUAL;                          // confirmed by value change
52   Shared.AUTOMATIC;                       // confirmed by value change

## Data.GameSettings.VictoryCondition ##
248  DOMINATION                              // confirmed by value change
1253 TEAM_PLAY                               // confirmed by value change
1407 VENDETTA                                // confirmed by value change

save game labels
## Data.GameSettings.GalaxyShape ##
555  Irregular                               // confirmed by value change
264  Elliptical                              // confirmed by value change
1056 Ring                                    // confirmed by value change
1172 Spiral                                  // confirmed by value change

save game labels
## Data.GameSettings.GalaxySize ##
596  Large                                   // confirmed by value change
627  Shared.Medium;                          // confirmed by value change
1158 Small                                   // confirmed by value change

galaxy map tooltips, system panel & events
stellar object names are stored and loaded from savegames
## Data.Galaxy.StellarObjects ##
956  ProtoStar
96   BlueStar                                // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
420  GreenStar                               // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
1452 YellowStar                              // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
889  OrangeStar                              // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
1446 WhiteStar                               // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
810  NeutronStar                             // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
987  RedGiant                                // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
94   BlackHole                               // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
93   BlackDwarf
107  BrownDwarf
1445 WhiteDwarf
802  Nebula                                  // confirmed by value change: system panel
1447 WormHole                                // confirmed by value change: galaxy map & event 490
968  RadioPulsar                             // confirmed by value change: galaxy map
1450 XRayPulsar                              // confirmed by value change: galaxy map

galaxy map (sector header & tooltips), events & combat encounter
## Data.Galaxy.Ownership ##
122  Cardassian                              // confirmed by value change
320  Federation                              // confirmed by value change
324  Ferengi                                 // confirmed by value change
560  Klingon                                 // confirmed by value change
1058 Romulan                                 // confirmed by value change
1393 Shared.Unknown;                         // confirmed by value change: unknown ship / unknown task force

system info
system screen (header), system panel (top left), galaxy map (system name & tooltips), combat (encounter & battle) & events (raid,...)
For system names it is only generated once on new game start. Thereafter it is stored and read from the save games.
## Data.System.HomeWorld ##
121  Cardassia                               // confirmed by value change
1160 Sol                                     // confirmed by value change
357  Ferenginar                              // confirmed by value change
958  QoNos                                   // confirmed by value change
1092 Romulus                                 // confirmed by value change

planet details
## Data.System.PlanetTypes ##
37   Arctic                                  // confirmed by value change
55   Barren                                  // confirmed by value change, also for the borg
229  Desert                                  // confirmed by value change
1409 Desert_2
410  GasGiant                                // confirmed by value change
558  Jungle                                  // confirmed by value change
878  Oceanic                                 // confirmed by value change
1258 Terran                                  // confirmed by value change
1414 Volcanic                                // confirmed by value change

// While 'methane' and 'none' in vanilla environ.est and planet.pst are solely used for atmospheres,
// the 'methane' label in vanilla trek.exe is exclusively used for the planet type.
// refer viewtopic.php?p=61427#p61427
641  Methane                                 // confirmed by value change and code analysis
872  Shared.None                             // confirmed by code analysis

## Data.System.PlanetBonus ##
279  System.Production.Energy;               // confirmed by value change
365  System.Production.Food;                 // confirmed by value change

planet population race
## Data.System.Population ##
galactic system panel
445  HUMANS                                  // confirmed by value change: head line
1387 Uninhabitable                           // confirmed by value change: planet details
1388 Uninhabited                             // confirmed by value change: head line
other, that might be used for events
903  People

## Data.System.Production ##
193  Credits                                 // confirmed by value change: also galaxy map economics
365  Food                                    // confirmed by value change: also research, planet bonus tooltip & summary
528  Industry                                // confirmed by value change: also galaxy map & build list
279  Energy                                  // confirmed by value change: also research & planet bonus tooltip
548  Intelligence                            // confirmed by value change
996  Research                                // confirmed by value change

system & empire morale
## Data.System.Morale ##
765  Fanatic                                 // confirmed by value change: summary
766  Loyal                                   // confirmed by value change: summary
767  Pleased                                 // confirmed by value change: summary
762  Content                                 // confirmed by value change: summary
761  Apathetic                               // confirmed by value change: summary
764  Disgruntled                             // confirmed by value change: summary
763  Defiant
768  Rebellious

## Data.System.Restrictions ##
884  OnePerEmpire                            // confirmed by value change
885  OnePerSystem                            // confirmed by value change
35   AnySystem
437  HomeSystem                              // confirmed by value change
184  ConqueredHomeSystem
801  NativeMemberSystem                      // confirmed by value change
863  NonNativeMemberSystem                   // confirmed by value change
6    AffiliatedSystem
527  IndependentMinorSystem
977  RebelSystem
1187 SubjugatedSystem
277  EmptySystem
38   ArcticPlanet                            // confirmed by value change
56   BarrenPlanet                            // confirmed by value change
230  DesertPlanet
559  JunglePlanet
879  OceanicPlanet                           // confirmed by value change
1259 TerranPlanet
1415 VolcanicPlanet
239  Dilithium                               // confirmed by value change
47   Asteroid
48   AsteroidBeltDilithium

likely used by FramedActions 534|535
## Data.Intel.FormalAgencies ##
536  TheObsidianOrder
537  TheFerengiEspionageAgency
538  StarfleetIntelligence
539  TheKlingonSecurityForce
540  TheTalShiar

possibly used by FramedActions 534|535
## Data.Intel.Agencies ##
541  ObsidianOrder
542  FerengiIntelligence
543  StarfleetIntelligence
544  Section31
545  KlingonInternalSecurity
546  TalShiar

## Data.Research.Field ##
92   Biotech                                 // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
179  Computer                                // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
185  Construction                            // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
279  System.Production.Energy;               // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
955  Propulsion                              // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
1439 Weapons                                 // confirmed by value change: research database, not management
390  FutureBiotech
392  FutureComputerTech
395  FutureConstructionTech
397  FutureEnergyTech
399  FuturePropulsionTech
400  FutureTech
403  FutureWeaponTech

diplomacy proposal details & summary events
seems to depend on which race is being played
Menu.DiplomacyScreen.Propoals: 11, 24, 104, 24, 385, 413, 635, 868, 1421, 1432 -> confirmed by value change

## Data.Diplomacy.FormalRaces ##
1270 TheAcamarians_1                         // confirmed by value change: used for events 1026
1271 TheAcamarians_2                         // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1272 TheAndorians_1
1273 TheAndorians_2                          // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1274 TheAngosians_1                          // confirmed by value change: used for events 413
1275 TheAngosians_2                          // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1276 TheAntedeans_1                          // confirmed by value change: used for events 382
1277 TheAntedeans_2                          // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868, 1421
1278 TheAnticans_1
1279 TheAnticans_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1280 TheBajorans_1                           // confirmed by value change: used for events 1179
1281 TheBajorans_2
1282 TheBandi_1
1283 TheBandi_2                              // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1284 TheBenzites_1
1285 TheBenzites_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1286 TheBetazoids_1                          // confirmed by value change: used for events 382
1287 TheBetazoids_2
1288 TheBolians_1
1289 TheBolians_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1290 TheBynars_1
1291 TheBynars_2                             // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1292 TheCaldonians_1
1293 TheCaldonians_2                         // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1296 TheCardassians_1                        // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 11 & events 7, 13, 224, 386, 678, 745, 760, 864, 868, 870, 1026, 1179
1297 TheCardassians_2                        // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 382, 385, 688, 758, 865, 868, 869, 1421, 1422
1298 TheChalnoth_1
1299 TheChalnoth_2
1300 TheEdo_1                                // confirmed by value change: used for events 385
1301 TheEdo_2                                // confirmed by value change: used for events 380
1304 TheFederation_1                         // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 11, 1421 & events 224, 225, 386, 487, 749, 760, 778, 864, 868, 1026, 1196, 1421
1305 TheFederation_2                         // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868 & events 20, 222, 380, 385, 487, 521, 688, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869, 870, 1179, 1196, 1421
1308 TheFerengi_1                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 11 & events 386, 487, 745, 864, 867, 870, 1179, 1422, 1432, 1459
1309 TheFerengi_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 225, 385, 866, 868 & events 24, 380, 1179
1312 TheKlingons_1                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868 & events 20, 24, 222, 224, 413, 748, 760, 1179, 1459
1313 TheKlingons_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 11 & events 864, 870, 1179
1314 TheKtarians_1
1315 TheKtarians_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1316 TheMalcorians_1
1317 TheMalcorians_2
1318 TheMintakans_1
1319 TheMintakans_2
1320 TheMizarians_1
1321 TheMizarians_2
1322 TheNausicaans_1
1323 TheNausicaans_2                         // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1324 ThePakleds_1                            // confirmed by value change: used for events 688, 1026
1325 ThePakleds_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1328 TheRomulans_1                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 11 & events 224, 380, 385, 676, 686, 741, 756, 864, 865, 868, 869, 1026, 1421, 1432
1329 TheRomulans_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868, 1421 & events 7, 13, 382, 385, 386, 487, 521, 864, 867, 868, 870, 1179, 1421
1330 TheSelay_1                              // confirmed by value change: used for events 380, 1026
1331 TheSelay_2                              // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868, 1421
1332 TheSheliak_1                            // confirmed by value change: used for events 1026
1333 TheSheliak_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1334 TheTakarans_1
1335 TheTakarans_2                           // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1336 TheTalarians_1
1337 TheTalarians_2
1338 TheTamarians_1                          // confirmed by value change: used for events 1026
1339 TheTamarians_2                          // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1340 TheTrill_1
1341 TheTrill_2                              // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1342 TheUllians_1
1343 TheUllians_2
1344 TheVulcans_1
1345 TheVulcans_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868
1346 TheYridians_1
1347 TheYridians_2
1348 TheZakdorn_1
1349 TheZakdorn_2                            // confirmed by value change: used for proposals 224, 385, 868

diplomacy & summary empire relationships
## Data.Diplomacy.Relationship ##
19   Alliance                                // confirmed by value change
5    Affiliated                              // confirmed by value change
632  Member                                  // confirmed by value change
900  PEACE                                   // confirmed by value change
379  Friendly                                // confirmed by value change
809  Shared.Neutral;                         // confirmed by value change
1420 WAR                                     // confirmed by value change
1186 Subjugated                              // confirmed by value change
1393 Shared.Unknown;                         // confirmed by value change
798  Shared.NotAvailable;                    // confirmed by value change: "n/a", for own race relationship

proposals, diplomacy screen events & summary events
## Data.Diplomacy.Proposals ##
24   XAlliance                               // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer an alliance proposal to %2", for majors
635  XMembership                             // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a membership proposal to %2", for minors
11   XAffiliation                            // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer an affiliation proposal to %2"
385  XFriendship                             // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a friendship proposal to %2"
868  XNonAggression                          // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a non-aggression proposal to %2"
413  XGift                                   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 presented a gift to %2"
104  XBribe                                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a bribe to %2", for minors
224  XDemand                                 // confirmed by value change: "%s1 issue a demand to %2", for majors
633  XMembershipTermination                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 terminated their membership treaty with %2"
1421 XWarDeclaration                         // confirmed by value change: "%s1 declare war against %2"
1432 XWarPact                                // confirmed by value change: "%s1 propose a war pact to %2", for majors

active treaty list & diplomcy screen events
## Data.Diplomacy.Treaties ##
29   AllianceTreaty                          // confirmed by value change: active treaty & event list
639  MembershipTreaty                        // confirmed by value change: active treaty
15   AffiliationTreaty                       // confirmed by value change: active treaty
388  FriendshipTreaty                        // confirmed by value change: active treaty
861  NonAgression                            // confirmed by value change: active treaty
414  GiftTreaty                              // confirmed by value change: diplomcy screen event list
1055 RightsOfPassage
1424 WarPact                                 // confirmed by value change: "War Pact Treaty"
872  Shared.None;                            // confirmed by value change: in proposal treaty list

active treaty details & diplomacy screen events
## Data.Diplomacy.TreatyTerms ##
196  XCredits                                // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits to %3"
887  XCreditsPerTurn                         // "%s1 give %d2 credits per turn to %3"

active treaty list & details, proposal, and diplomacy screen events
## Data.Diplomacy.TreatyDuration ##
if not Menu.Shared.TURNS 1372
526  Indefinite                              // confirmed by value change
798  Shared.NotAvailable;                    // confirmed by value change

## Data.Diplomacy.TreatyFrequency ##
479  Immediately                             // confirmed by value change: proposal details
904  PerTurn                                 // confirmed by value change: proposal details & diplomacy screen events

## Data.Diplomacy.TreatyStatus ##
3    Active                                  // confirmed by value change: active treaty list
798  Shared.NotAvailable;                    // confirmed by value change: proposals
1    Accept                                  // confirmed by value change: diplomacy screen events
954  Propose                                 // confirmed by value change: diplomacy screen events
990  Reject                                  // confirmed by value change: diplomacy screen events
991  Renegotiate

diplomacy screen empire reputations
## Data.Diplomacy.Reputation ##
1449 Worshipful
289  Enthusiastic
190  Cordial                                 // confirmed by value change
986  Receptive                               // confirmed by value change
809  Shared.Neutral;                         // confirmed by value change
1383 Uncooperative                           // confirmed by value change
476  Icy                                     // confirmed by value change
442  Hostile                                 // confirmed by value change
288  Enraged                                 // confirmed by value change

ship details & object database
named in addition to the actual ship class
like e.g. B'rel, the klingon scout ship class

## Data.SpaceCraft.Categories ##
1173 Starbase                                // confirmed by value change
894  Outpost                                 // confirmed by value change
60   BattleShip                              // confirmed by value change
1183 StrikeCruiser                           // confirmed by value change (artillery)
204  Cruiser                                 // confirmed by value change
232  Destroyer                               // confirmed by value change
1103 ScoutShip                               // confirmed by value change
166  ColonyShip                              // confirmed by value change
1366 Transport                               // confirmed by value change
553  Invalid                                 // confirmed by value change: for monsters if you change ownership

ship details & object database
## Data.SpaceCraft.CategoryDescriptions ##
1174 Starbase                                // confirmed by value change: "For defense, extending range, and ship repairs"
896  Outpost                                 // confirmed by value change: "For extending ship range"
172  BattleShip                              // confirmed by value change: "For command and control"
42   StrikeCruiser                           // confirmed by value change: "For planetary assault"
1436 Cruiser                                 // confirmed by value change: "For attack, defense, and escort duty"
971  Raider                                  // confirmed by value change: "For raiding strikes or border patrols"
1102 ScoutShip                               // confirmed by value change: "For exploration and reconnaissance"
165  ColonyShip                              // confirmed by value change: "For colonization and terraforming"
1367 Transport                               // confirmed by value change: "For invasion, outpost and starbase construction"

fleet & ship details
## Data.SpaceCraft.Range ##
611  Long                                    // confirmed by value change: object database & ship details
627  Shared.Medium;                          // confirmed by value change: object database & ship details
1147 Short                                   // confirmed by value change: object database & ship details

outpost status
## Data.SpaceCraft.Condition ##
58   OPERATIONAL                             // confirmed by value change: fleet list & galaxy outpost tooltip

ship details & combat ship info
## Data.SpaceCraft.CrewExperience ##
201  Legendary
198  Elite
203  Veteran                                 // confirmed by value change
202  Regular                                 // confirmed by value change
200  Green                                   // confirmed by value change

galaxy map fleet commands
## Data.SpaceCraft.FleetCommand ##
651  ATTACK_SYSTEM                           // confirmed by value change
652  AVOID                                   // confirmed by value change
653  BUILD_OUTPOST                           // confirmed by value change
654  BUILD_STARBASE                          // confirmed by value change
656  COLONIZE_SYSTEM                         // confirmed by value change
657  ENTER_WORMHOLE                          // confirmed by value change
658  ENGAGE                                  // confirmed by value change
659  INTERCEPT                               // confirmed by value change: "INTERCEPT %d %%"
660  Invalid
661  RAID                                    // confirmed by value change
662  SCRAP                                   // confirmed by value change
663  TERRAFORM_PLANET                        // confirmed by value change
664  TRAIN_CREW                              // confirmed by value change
101  BREAKAWAY                               // might or might not be a command
217  DEFEND                                  // might or might not be a command
630  MELEE_FAST                              // might or might not be a command
631  MELEE_SLOW                              // might or might not be a command

ship details & battle events
## Data.SpaceCraft.BeamWeapons ##
63   PhaserBanks_1                           // confirmed by value change
64   PhaserBanks_2                           // confirmed by value change
65   DisruptorTypeI_1                        // confirmed by value change
66   DisruptorTypeI_2                        // confirmed by value change
67   PhaserEmitters_1                        // confirmed by value change
68   PhaserEmitters_2                        // confirmed by value change
69   DisruptorTypeII_1                       // confirmed by value change
70   DisruptorTypeII_2                       // confirmed by value change
71   PhaserArrays_1                          // confirmed by value change
72   PhaserArrays_2                          // confirmed by value change
73   DisruptorTypeIII_1                      // confirmed by value change
74   DisruptorTypeIII_2                      // confirmed by value change
75   DisruptorTypeIV                         // confirmed by value change
76   BorgRay                                 // confirmed by value change
77   CalamarainRay                           // confirmed by value change
78   ChodakRay                               // confirmed by value change
79   GravitonBeam                            // confirmed by value change (Crystal Entity)
80   PhaserArray                             // confirmed by value change (Echo Papa 607 combat drone)
81   MultiphasicDisruptor
82   ForcedPlasmaBeams                       // confirmed by value change
83   GomtuuRay
84   HusnockRay                              // confirmed by value change
85   Phasers
86   Lasers                                  // confirmed by value change (Tarellians)
87   NoBeamWeapons                           // confirmed by value change

ship details
## Data.SpaceCraft.TorpedoWeapons ##
929  CETorp                                  // "CE Torp"
933  PhotonTorpedoes_1                       // confirmed by value change
935  PhotonTorpedoes_2                       // confirmed by value change
946  PhotonTorpedoes_3
934  PlasmaTorpedoesI_1                      // confirmed by value change
936  PlasmaTorpedoesI_2                      // confirmed by value change
938  PlasmaTorpedoesII_1                     // confirmed by value change
940  PlasmaTorpedoesII_2                     // confirmed by value change
941  PlasmaTorpedoesIII_1                    // confirmed by value change
942  PlasmaTorpedoesIII_2                    // confirmed by value change
937  QuantumTorpedoes_1                      // confirmed by value change
939  QuantumTorpedoes_2                      // confirmed by value change
943  BorgTorp
944  CalamarainTorp
945  QuantumTorpedoes
947  AntiplasmaBolts
948  GomtuuTorp
949  HusnockTorp
950  IonTorpedoes                            // confirmed by value change
951  MerculiteTorpedoes
952  NuclearMissile
953  NoTorpedoes                             // confirmed by value change

combat encounter, combat enemy menu, combat fleet details, combat events & summary events
## Data.Monsters ##
98   TheBorg                                 // confirmed by value change: combat encounter, combat fleet details
418  Gomtuu                                  // confirmed by value change
970  ShipName.Raider                         // the raider by exception displays the loaded shipname: "Husnock raider"
115  TheCalamarain                           // confirmed by value change
159  TheChodak                               // confirmed by value change
205  TheCrystalEntity                        // confirmed by value change
262  TheEdoGuardian                          // confirmed by value change: combat encounter, combat fleet details, combat events & summary events
649  TheMinosians                            // confirmed by value change: Echo Papa 607 combat drone
1249 TheTarellians

galaxy map tooltip & system panel tooltip
## Data.Monsters.ShipName ##
418  Monsters.Gomtuu                         // confirmed by code analysis (SCT)
970  Raider                                  // confirmed by code analysis (SCT): Husnock raider
206  XCube                                   // confirmed by code analysis (SCT): "Cube %d of %d"
115  Monsters.TheCalamarain                  // confirmed by code analysis (SCT)
160  Chodak                                  // confirmed by code analysis (SCT): randomly choosen -> "Enormous|Juggernaut|Gigantic|Colossus|Leviathan|Tremendous"
205  Monsters.TheCrystalEntity               // confirmed by code analysis (SCT)
262  Monsters.TheEdoGuardian                 // confirmed by code analysis (SCT) and by value change: galaxy tooltip & system panel tooltip
1389 EchoPapa607                             // confirmed by code analysis (SCT)
257  EchoPapa607_2
893  Outcast                                 // confirmed by code analysis (SCT): Tarellians

combat encounter, combat selection details (fleet, enemy, ship details & tactics) -> confirmed by value change
## Data.Combat.ShipGroup ##
57   Starbase
895  Outpost                                 // confirmed by value change: battle events
used for all large battle ships but artillery
1157 Command                                 // confirmed by value change: combat encounter & battle
612  Strike                                  // confirmed by value change: combat encounter & battle -> artillery
318  FastAttack                              // confirmed by value change: combat encounter & battle
862  NonCombatant                            // confirmed by value change: combat encounter & battle

combat ship details
## Data.Combat.ShipGroupDescriptions ##
1376 GalaxyClass                             // confirmed by value change: "These vessels allow other ships in the area to coordinate attacks with more precision."
1380 Command                                 // confirmed by value change: "These ships combine deadly firepower and strong defense."
1375 Strike                                  // confirmed by value change: "These cruisers are designed for long-range attack and bombardment..."
1378 Destroyers                              // confirmed by value change: "These light warships are highly maneuverable."
1379 Scouts                                  // confirmed by value change: "These lightly armed ships are highly maneuverable."
1377 NonCombatants                           // confirmed by value change: "These non-combatant ships are usually liabilities in engagements."

combat group details
## Data.Combat.VesselType ##
1139 Ships                                   // confirmed by value change: also for galaxy fleet & system build -> for all major races & Chodak (159)
207  BorgCubes                               // confirmed by value change
235  Devices                                 // confirmed by value change: Minosian (649) "devices" (Echo Papa 607 combat drone)
1151 XY                                      // confirmed by value change: "%1 %2" for Crystal_entity, Husnock_raider, Gaseous_lifeform, Unknown_lifeform and Edo_god

combat group details
## Data.Combat.ShipGroupRole ##
1138 SLOW_GROUP                              // confirmed by value change: combat -> Command
1136 LONG_RANGE                              // confirmed by value change: Strike / Artillery
1135 FAST_GROUP                              // confirmed by value change: FastAttack
1137 NON_COMBAT                              // confirmed by value change: NonCombatant

combat group command
## Data.Combat.CombatManeuver ##
46   Assault                                 // confirmed by value change: combat (close & distance attack)
161  Circle                                  // confirmed by value change: combat
364  FlyBy                                   // confirmed by value change: combat
295  Evade                                   // confirmed by value change: combat
429  Hail                                    // confirmed by value change: combat
972  Ram                                     // confirmed by value change: combat
1053 Retreat                                 // confirmed by value change: combat
49   Attack
363  Flank
436  Hold                                    // confirmed by value change: combat events on cloaked turn
1098 Scatter                                 // might or might not be a command
1192 Swarm                                   // might or might not be a command
99   Break                                   // might or might not be a command
100  BreakAway                               // might or might not be a command
628  MeleeFast                               // might or might not be a command
629  MeleeSlow                               // might or might not be a command
906  Picard                                  // might or might not be a command
907  Pincer                                  // might or might not be a command
1248 Tail                                    // might or might not be a command

combat tactics, displayed in left info tab while selecting a command
## Data.Combat.CombatTactics ##
1220 Charge                                  // confirmed by value change
1218 Assault                                 // confirmed by value change
161  CombatManeuver.Circle;                  // confirmed by value change
1224 Harry
1226 Cloak
1230 FlyBy                                   // confirmed by value change
1232 Strafe                                  // confirmed by value change
1228 Evade                                   // confirmed by value change
1234 Hail                                    // confirmed by value change: "Open Hailing Frequencies"
1237 Ram                                     // confirmed by value change
1239 Retreat                                 // confirmed by value change
1243 SelectGroup
1245 SelectShip
1222 Circle_2

combat tactic details, displayed in bottom fleet details while selecting a command
## Data.Combat.CombatTacticInfo ##
1221 Charge                                  // confirmed by value change: "Directly attack enemy vessels at close range..."
1219 Assault                                 // confirmed by value change: "Directly attack enemy vessels at long range..."
1223 Circle                                  // confirmed by value change: "Circle enemy vessels while firing at long range..."
1225 Harry                                   // "Circle enemy vessels while firing at close range..."
1227 Cloak                                   // "Drop shields and engage cloaking devices..."
1231 FlyBy                                   // confirmed by value change: "Fly past enemy vessels while firing at long range..."
1233 Strafe                                  // confirmed by value change: "Fly past enemy vessels while firing at close range..."
1229 Evade                                   // confirmed by value change: "Take evasive action..."
1238 Ram                                     // confirmed by value change: "Set a collision course for enemy ships..."
1240 RetreatSelected                         // confirmed by value change: "Withdraw the selected ship(s) from the combat..."
1241 RetreatAll                              // "Withdraw all ships of this type from the combat."
1242 DEBUG_RemoveShip                        // "Remove this ship from the combat."
1235 Hail                                    // confirmed by value change: "Open Hailing Frequencies"
1236 HoldPosition
1244 SelectGroup
1246 SelectShip

data value groups not yet confirmed to be used

view descriptions that don't seem to be used, even with tooltips active
possibly been planned for a tutorial
## Data.Other.ViewDescriptions ##
1440 DiplomacyView                           // "This is the Diplomacy View.  This screen is used to review active treaties, propose new treaties..."
1441 IntelligenceView                        // "This is the Intelligence View.  This screen is used to manage internal security..."
1442 MainGalacticView                        // "This is the Main Galactic View.  This screen is used to move starships..."
1443 ResearchView                            // "This is the Research View.  This screen is used to allocate research points..."
1444 SolarSystemView                         // "This is the Solar System View.  This screen is used to build, upgrade, and scrap..."

planet atmosphere, possibly used by events
## Data.Other.AtmosphereTypes ##
// In vanilla environ.est the methane environment type 08 is exclusively used for gas giant atmospheres.
// Gas giants likely were not planned to have any atmospheric property, else they would have included hydrogen atmospheres.
// Instead it must have been picked as a placeholder, given that it is not displayed anyhow.
// refer viewtopic.php?p=61427#p61427
641  PlanetTypes.Methane
872  Shared.None
898  OxygenRich
1189 Sulfuric
1352 ThinOxygen

unknown happiness, possibly for events
## Data.Other.Happiness ##
431  Happiness
317  Fanatic
432  Happy
186  Content
36   Apathetic
650  Miserable
1386 Unhappy
246  Disgruntled
221  Defiant
1057 Riotous
984  Rebellious
1397 Unrest

likely galaxy map system label
## Data.Other.Races ##
125  GameSettings.PlayerRace.Cardassians
319  GameSettings.PlayerRace.Federation
323  GameSettings.PlayerRace.Ferengi
563  GameSettings.PlayerRace.Klingons
1061 GameSettings.PlayerRace.Romulans

retire empire stats & possibly events
## Data.Other.Empires ##
124  TheCardassianUnion                      // confirmed by value change: retire empire stats
1294 TheCardassianUnion_1
1295 TheCardassianUnion_2
322  TheUnitedFederationOfPlanets            // confirmed by value change: retire empire stats
1302 TheUnitedFederationOfPlanets_1
1303 TheUnitedFederationOfPlanets_2
326  TheFerengiAlliance                      // confirmed by value change: retire empire stats
1306 TheFerengiAlliance_1
1307 TheFerengiAlliance_2
562  TheKlingonEmpire                        // confirmed by value change: retire empire stats
1310 TheKlingonEmpire_1
1311 TheKlingonEmpire_2
1060 TheRomulanStarEmpire                    // confirmed by value change: retire empire stats
1326 TheRomulanStarEmpire_1
1327 TheRomulanStarEmpire_2

possibly for events
## Data.Other.Emperors ##
597  TheCardassianLegate
598  TheFerengiNagus
599  TheFederationPresident
600  TheKlingonChancellor
601  TheRomulanPraetor

fleet labels it seems
## Data.Other.ShipRole ##
173  CommandShip
1435 Warship                                 // likely used for mixed warship fleets
1133 UnarmedVessel
1190 SUPPORT                                 // colony ship + troop transport
1396 UnknownShip

unknown ship orders
## Data.Other.ShipCommand ##
162  Cloak
97   Bombard
552  Invade
1256 Terraform
1095 Scan                                    // might or might not be a command
1105 Screen                                  // might or might not be a command

unknown counter, likely for fleet slot
## Data.Other.Counter ##
362  First
1106 Second
1353 Third
368  Fourth
359  Fifth
1155 Sixth
1112 Seventh
263  Eighth
827  Ninth

unkonwn amounts
## Data.Other.Amount ##
33   Amount
613  Lots
34   Medium_1
1156 Medium_2
296  Even
607  Little
812  Never

unknown power
## Data.Other.Power ##
477  MAX
1054 RICH
1437 WEAK
918  POOR
edit: updated planet types and atmospheres, and moved 'Asteroid' from planet types to system restrictions
Last edited by Flocke on Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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BORG Trouble Maker
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Events listed by the event summary menu.
Note, in stbof.ini there are three filter options: ECONFILTER, EVENTFILTER and MILITARYFILTER.
None of them seems to have any effect.TODO Includes many event related popup notifications, that should be moved to EventDetails.

## Event.Global ##
265  EmpireCeded                             // "%s1 ceded their empire to %2"
966  EmpireFallen                            // "This will be a day long remembered.  %1 has fallen."
Defeated 215
834  CardassianDefeat_1                      // "Your management skills were adequate, but they pale beside the impressive accomplishments of those that have gone"
835  CardassianDefeat_2                      // "before you.  If you wish to improve yourself, you would do well to study their methods to find flaws in your strategies... or"
836  CardassianDefeat_3                      // "better still, find flaws with theirs."
840  FederationDefeat_1                      // "Unfortunately, your efforts on behalf of the Federation have not matched the success of previous players.  However,"
841  FederationDefeat_2                      // "Academy records show that practice and study can improve any skill in any student.  We advise you to review your"
842  FederationDefeat_3                      // "strategy, make some changes in your procedures, and try again."
837  FerengiDefeat_1                         // "Your degree of success does not merit your inclusion into the Hall of Fame.  Clearly, your marketing tactics were not"
838  FerengiDefeat_2                         // "sufficiently aggressive to dominate the galaxy as thoroughly as those who have gone before you.  As you prepare to"
839  FerengiDefeat_3                         // "try again, consider Rule 65: Win or lose, there's always Hyperian beetle snuff."
843  KlingonDefeat_1                         // "You have failed to improve upon the accomplishments of those who have gone before you.  Your achievements may be"
844  KlingonDefeat_2                         // "honorable, but you have not earned a place in the Hall of Fame.  If you believe you are worthy, then do not hesitate -- try"
845  KlingonDefeat_3                         // "again immediately!  There is always a chance."
846  RomulanDefeat_1                         // "Your governance has been interesting, but you have not fared as well as those who have gone before you.  If you are truly"
847  RomulanDefeat_2                         // "a loyal citizen of the Empire, you must immediately start a new game and attempt to better yourself.  Anything less is an"
848  RomulanDefeat_3                         // "insult to the glory of the Romulan Star Empire."
Victorious 1410
30   AllianceDominance                       // "Your alliance has achieved dominance."
247  Dominance                               // "Every major government has admitted our galactic dominance. Shall we accept their surrender?"
1408 XDominance                              // "%s vanquished all their enemies and won the game."

## Event.Random ##
global events
39   AlienArtifactsDiscovered                // "Artifacts have been discovered in the %1 system... acquired %d2 teraquads..."
90   NamedBenefactor                         // "A wealthy merchant from %1 has perished in a tragic accident and left his estate to %2. (%d3 Credits added to treasury)"
999  ResearchSetback                         // "Prominent %1 scientists in the %2 field were killed in a transport accident near the %3 system.  (%d4 teraquads of data lost)"
1124 HullDegradingVirus                      // "%s1 Ships in sector %2 infected with Hull Degrading Virus."

space distortion, end reads "<1168>: <1169>" in summary
1167 SpaceDistortion                         // "A subspace anomaly near the edge of the galaxy is causing a subspace disruption.  Warp drive is inoperable throughout the galaxy."
1166 SpaceDistortionEnd_1                    // "The subspace anomaly has receded.  All ships can travel normally."
1168 SPACE_DISTORTION_END                    // confirmed by value change: "SPACE DISTORTION HAS ENDED"
1169 SpaceDistortionEnd_2                    // confirmed by value change: "The subspace anomaly has disappeared.  Warp drives are back online."

system events
171  CometStrike_1                           // "A comet has struck the %s planet of the %s system.  The planet is undergoing a climate change.  %d million casualties have been reported."
176  CometStrike_2                           // "A comet has struck the %1 planet of the %2 system.  It is undergoing a climate change.  %d3 million casualties have been reported."
254  Earthquake_1                            // "A series of earthquakes have devastated %1.  %d2 structures were destroyed in the catastrophe.  %d3 million people were killed."
255  Earthquake_2                            // "A series of earthquakes have devastated %1.  A structure was destroyed in the catastrophe.  %d3 million people were killed."
285  EnergyMeltdown_1                        // "A catastrophic meltdown has destroyed a power plant in the %s system."
286  EnergyMeltdown_2                        // "A catastrophic meltdown has destroyed %d power plants in the %s system."
480  ImmigrantsBoom_1                        // "Citizens flock to %s for its promise of long term prosperity."
1021 ImmigrantsBoom_2                        // "Immigrants flock to %s  +%d million citizens."
875  Nova                                    // "All life in the %s system has been destroyed by the Nova."
911  NegativePlanetShift                     // "An unexpected climate shift has changed %1 to a %2."
913  PositivePlanetShift                     // "A rotational shift has changed %1 to a %2."
1027 PlanetShift                             // "Planet %d1 in system %2 has become a %3 planet."

guild strikes
299  CreditStrike                            // "Credit strike in %s system"
1015 CreditStrikeEnd                         // "Credit strike in %s system"
300  GeneralStrike                           // "General strike in %s system"
1020 GeneralStrikeEnd                        // "General strike in %s system"
302  IndustryStrike                          // "Industry strike in %s system"
1023 IndustryStrikeEnd                       // "Industry strike in %s system"
303  IntelStrike                             // "Intelligence strike in %s system"
1024 IntelStrikeEnd                          // "Intel strike in %s system"
306  ResearchStrike                          // "Research strike in %s system"
1037 ResearchStrikeEnd                       // "Research strike in %s system"
1265 TraideRouteStrike                       // "No trade routes will produce credits."
1267 TraideRouteStrikeEnd                    // "The strike is ended and trade will resume immediately."

419  GomtuuHasBefriended                     // "Gomtuu has befriended %1"
314  LoyalCardassians                        // "Loyal Cardassians contribute extra intelligence"
1030 PopulationIncreased                     // confirmed by value change: "Population increased by %d million in %s."
1031 AugmentedProduction                     // "Augmented Production in %s   +%d industry."
1032 ProductionBonus                         // "%s1 Production Bonus: an additional %2 was constructed."
1033 EconomicProsperity                      // "Economic Prosperity in %s  +%d credits generated."

## Event.Galactic ##
EXPAND_TERRITORY 484                         -> confirmed by value change: critics 679|680|681|682|683
INVASION_SUCCESS 486                         -> confirmed by value change: details 521|506|505|493|508
1044 XConquered                              // confirmed by value change: "%s1 conquered %2."
512  DamagedInNeutronStar                    // "%s1 in sector %2 damaged by a neutron star."
516  ShipsDestroyed                          // "%d1 ships destroyed by a %2 in sector %3."
XLOST 490                                    -> confirmed by value change
see Data.Galaxy.StellarObjects
1128 ShipLostInWormhole                      // confirmed by value change, details 1128: "One ship lost in a wormhole in sector %1."
1143 ShipsLostInWormhole                     // confirmed by value change, details 1143: "%d1 ships lost in a wormhole in sector %2."
1144 XYColon                                 // "%s1 %2:"
519  SystemTaken                             // "%s1 system taken by %2."
522  PlanetTerraformed                       // "Planet terraformed in system %s."
308  PlanetXTerraformed_1                    // "Planet %d terraformed in %s system"
1028 PlanetXTerraformed_2                    // "Planet %d terraformed in system %s"
1047 TerraformingCompleted                   // confirmed by value change: "Terraforming completed in %s."
FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT 497                     -> confirmed by value change: no summary, details 501|523|505|508
SIEGE_SYSTEM 520                             -> confirmed by value change: critics 669|671|670|672|673, details 506|504|505|508|494|515
518  SystemLiberated                         // "System %s liberated!"
Range 973
974  RangeExtended                           // %s1 range extended to %2 sectors.
Raid 1045                                    -> confirmed by value change: details 1045|496|499|498|510
1042 SuccessfullyRaid                        // confirmed by value change: "%s1 successfully raided %2 system."
500  AllTradeIncomeLost                      // opposite of 499 -> "All trade income from %s was lost."
SuccessfulLiberation 1188
605  XLiberatedSystem                        // "%s1 liberated the %2 system."
689  AffectedMorale                          // "An event in the last turn has affected the morale of your citizens..."
59   InconclusiveBattle                      // "%s engaged in an inconclusive battle"
513  ShipLost                                // "Ship destroyed by a %1 in sector %2."
1142 ShipsLost                               // "Your forces have been eliminated."
1145 ShipsRegroupedAndRetreated              // "Ships regrouped as a single task force and retreated to sector %s"
298  SystemColonized_1                       // "System %s colonized"
1043 SystemColonized_2                       // "System %s colonized"
1034 XColonized                              // "%s1 colonized by %2."

## Event.System ##
POWER_OUTAGE 849                             -> confirmed by value change: details 850
1025 PowerOutage_1                           // confirmed by value change: "Insufficient energy in %s system, structures have been shut down."
307  Starvation_1                            // "Starvation in %s system"
1176 DeathByStarvation                       // "The %s system is not producing enough food.  The shortfall is causing a population decrease."
PLAGUE_STRIKE 908                            -> confirmed by value change, details: 909
1029 PopulationDied                          // confirmed by value change: "%d million population in %s system die tragically."
979  RebellionPrefectFled                    // "The Prefect has fled.", seems to refer Dukat, Prefect of Bajor
980  RebellionCoup                           // "A bloody coup has erupted on %1 and overthrown the rightful %2 government. %s3."
981  RebellionGovernorExecuted               // "The Governor has been executed."
982  RebellionSystemIndependence             // "%s1 has declared its independence from %2."
983  RebellionCommandantImprisioned          // "The Commandant has been imprisoned."
985  RebellionRejoined                       // "%s1 has broken free from %2 and rejoined %3."
1022 IndependenceDeclared                    // "%s1 system has declared independence from %2."
TRADE 1363
1049 NewTradeRoute                           // "%s system has enough population for a new trade route."
FURTHER EVENTS with no header
1041 Starvation_2                            // confirmed by value change: "Starvation in %s system"
287  TransferredEnergy                       // "%s transferred %d energy to %s"
304  PowerOutage_2                           // "Insufficient energy in %s system"
1120 ShipBuilt                               // "Ship %s built in %s"
1007 BoughtAndBuiltOn                        // "%s bought and built on %s"
1008 BoughtAndBuiltIn                        // "%s bought and built in %s"
1009 BuiltOn                                 // confirmed by value change: "%s built on %s"
1012 ConstructionCompleted                   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 construction completed in sector %2"
1039 XScrapped                               // "%d %s scrapped on %s"
1040 XBuilt                                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 built in %2."
1052 XUpgraded                               // "%d %s upgraded on %s"
1146 ShipyardShutDown                        // "A shipyard has been shut down or destroyed.  Starship range may have been reduced, and some starships may be stranded as a result."
1390 Change                                  // "%d to %d %s", upgrade or planetary shift
1401 UpgradeComplete                         // confirmed by value change: "Upgrade to %1 completed in %2 system."
309  UnrestIncrease_1                        // "Unrest increase in %s system"
1051 UnrestIncrease_2                        // "Unrest increase in %s system"
1050 XTurn                                   // "%d turn"
1010 HolidayCelebration                      // "Citizens in %s declare a holiday to celebrate."
1011 CivilWar                                // "Civil war in %s system: %d million casualties"
1038 RiotDeaths                              // "Riots and Protests in %s system have left %d million dead"

## Event.Intel ##
44   UnauthorizedAssassinationAttempt        // "Rogue Elements of %1 ... unauthorized assassination attempt on %2.  Relations with %3 have worsened."
45   FoiledAssassinationAttempt              // "%s1 Counter-intelligence forces have foiled an assassination attempt by %2."
ExternalIntelligence 313
see Data.Intel.FormalAgencies
534  FrameActions                            // "Who should our agents frame for their actions against %s?"
535  FramedActions                           // "Our agents have framed %s for their action against %s."
UrgentIntelligenceReport 485
369  CardassianCounterMeasures_1             // "The Obsidian Order can employ some mercenaries to attack %2 %1 operations.  Which mercenaries should we expend on this operation?"
374  CardassianCounterMeasures_2             // "The Obsidian Order can employ some mercenaries to attack %2 %1 operations.  Which mercenaries should we expend on this operation?"
370  FerengiCounterMeasures_1                // "We have an opportunity to acquire information about %2 %1 operations.  We can buy this through many channels.  Whose trail should we leave in our transaction?"
375  FerengiCounterMeasures_2                // "Success!  The Ferengi Espionage Agency has an opportunity to disrupt %1 operations in %4.  Which of our rivals should take the blame?"
371  FederationCounterMeasures_1             // "Starfleet Intelligence has a deep cover operative about to commit a class-one %1 operation.  Which empire should the operative implicate to %2 new services?"
376  FederationCounterMeasures_2             // "Starfleet Intelligence has a deep cover operative about to commit a class-one %1 operation.  Which empire should the operative implicate to %2 news services?"
372  KlingonCounterMeasures_1                // "The Klingon Security Force has successfully infiltrated a %2 %1 operation, and can frame another empire for the intrusion.  Which of our rivals should we implicate?"
377  KlingonCounterMeasures_2                // "The Klingon Security Force has successfully sabotaged a %2 %1 operation, and can frame another empire for the intrusion.  Which of our rivals should we implicate?"
373  RomulanCounterMeasures_1                // "TalShiar Operatives have an opportunity to implicate another power in our %1 operations against %4.  Whose incriminating evidence should we leave?"
378  RomulanCounterMeasures_2                // "TalShiar Operatives have an opportunity to implicate another power in our %1 operations against %4.  Whose incriminating evidence should we leave?"
CreditDeficit 976
260  FundsMissing                            // "Treasury records on %1 indicate widespread embezzlement in %2.  The missing funds are estimated at %d3 credits."
1013 CreditsGained                           // "%d credits gained."
1014 MarketCrash                             // "Market Crash: %d credits lost."
1001 ResearchTheft                           // "%s Research facilities on %s have been compromised...  (%d teraquads of data stolen)"
1035 ResearchLost                            // "%d %s research points lost."
1036 ResearchStolen                          // "%d %s research points stolen."
1263 TerrorXDestroyed                        // "Terrorists have destroyed a %1 in the %2 system."
1264 TerrorExplosiveDevice                   // "A multi-phasic explosive device was set off by terrorists in the %1 system.  The %2 was completely destroyed."
1048 Terrorism                               // "Terrorism in %1 system! %s2 destroyed."
1459 OwnAgentsFramed                         // confirmed by value change: "Our agents have been framed for actions against %s."

## Event.Research ##
ResearchBreakthrough 488
511  ResearchBreakthrough                    // "%s researchers achieve a historic breakthrough."
1016 ResearchDiscovery_1                     // "%s discovered %s in level %d %s research"
1017 ResearchDiscovery_2                     // confirmed by value change: "%s discovered %s"
likely science event labels
1101 Scientific                              // "scientific"
1159 Sociology                               // "sociology"

treaty offers are both used for events and in diplomacy screen
## Event.Diplomatic ##
1454 You
1350 They
AgreedPeaceTreaty offers 18
993  JoinRequest                             // "Your request to join"
1458 PeaceOffer                              // "You Propose Agreed Peace Treaty"
DefeatedPeaceTreaty 216
23   XAllianceIgnored                        // "%s1 ignored a alliance proposal from %2"
25   XAllianceRejected                       // confirmed by value change: "%s1 rejected an alliance proposal from %2"
31   XAllianceWithdrawn                      // "%s1 withdrew an alliance proposal sent to %2"
634  XMembershipIgnored                      // "%s1 ignored a membership proposal from %2"
636  XMembershipRejected                     // "%s1 rejected a membership proposal from %2"
640  XMembershipWithdrawn                    // "%s1 withdrew a membership proposal sent to %2"
10   XAffiliationIgnored                     // "%s1 ignored an affiliation proposal from %2"
12   XAffiliationRejected                    // "%s1 rejected an affiliation proposal from %2"
16   XAffiliationWithdrawn                   // "%s1 withdrew an affiliation proposal sent to %2"
386  XFriendshipRejected                     // confirmed by value change: "%s1 rejected a friendship proposal from %2"
384  XFriendshipIgnored                      // "%s1 ignored a friendship proposal from %2"
389  XFriendshipWithdrawn                    // "%s1 withdrew a friendship proposal sent to %2"
867  XNonAggressionIgnored                   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 ignored a non-aggression proposal from %2"
869  XNonAggressionRejected                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 rejected a non-aggression treaty offer from %2"
871  XNonAggressionWithdrawn                 // "%s1 withdrew a non-aggression proposal sent to %2"
103  XBribeIgnored                           // "%s1 ignored a bribe from %2"
105  XBribeRejected                          // "%s1 rejected a bribe from %2"
106  XBribeWithdrawn                         // "%s1 withdrew a bribe sent to %2"
223  XDemandIgnored                          // "%s1 ignored a demand from %2"
225  XDemandRejected                         // confirmed by value change: "%s1 rejected a demand from %2"
226  XDemandWithdrawn                        // "%s1 withdrew a demand sent to %2"
415  XGiftWithdrawn                          // "%s1 withdrew a gift offer to %2"
1431 XWarPactIgnored                         // confirmed by value change: "%s1 ignored a %2 war pact proposal"
1433 XWarPactRejected                        // confirmed by value change: "%s1 rejected a %2 war pact proposal"
1434 XWarPactWithdrawn                       // "%s1 withdrew a war pact proposal sent to %2"
21   XAllianceTerminated                     // "%s1 terminated their alliance with %2"
633  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XMembershipTermination // "%s1 terminated their membership treaty with %2"
PEACE_SIGNED 487                             -> confirmed by value change
7    XAffiliationAccepted                    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted an affiliation proposal from %2."
380  XFriendshipAccepted                     // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted a friendship proposal from %2"
864  XNonAggressionAccepted                  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted a non-aggression proposal from %2"
507  PeaceSigned_1                           // "%s1 have signed a peace treaty with %2"
902  PeaceSigned_2                           // "%s1 has signed a peace treaty with %2"
CREDIT 191                                   -> confirmed by value change
196  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyTerms.XCredits     // confirmed by value change: "%s1 give %d2 credits to %3"
887  Data.Diplomacy.TreatyTerms.XCreditsPerTurn // "%s1 give %d2 credits per turn to %3"
648  XCreditsReceived                        // "%s1 received %2 credits from %3"
367  XFoodGift                               // "%s transferred %d food to %s"
242  XDilithiumGift                          // "%s transferred %d dilithium to %s"
MakeStatement 618 / NewStatement 823
Statement 1178                               -> confirmed by value change: diplomacy event
1179 XStatementMade                          // confirmed by value change: "%s1 made a statement to %2."
WAR_DECLARED 1422                            -> confirmed by value change: details 1421
1421 Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XWarDeclaration  // confirmed by value change: "%s1 declare war against %2"
FURTHER EVENTS with no header
see Data.Diplomacy.Proposals
diplomatic offers
 24  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XAlliance      // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer an alliance proposal to %2", for majors
635  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XMembership    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a membership proposal to %2", for minors
 11  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XAffiliation   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer an affiliation proposal to %2"
385  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XFriendship    // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a friendship proposal to %2"
868  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XNonAggression // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a non-aggression proposal to %2"
413  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XGift          // confirmed by value change: "%s1 presented a gift to %2"
104  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XBribe         // confirmed by value change: "%s1 offer a bribe to %2", for minors
224  Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XDemand        // confirmed by value change: "%s1 issue a demand to %2", for majors
1432 Data.Diplomacy.Proposals.XWarPact       // confirmed by value change: "%s1 propose a war pact to %2", for majors
peace signed
222  XDemandAccepted                         // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted a demand from %2"
102  XBribeAccepted                          // "%s1 accepted a bribe from %2"
1430 XWarPactAccepted                        // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted a %2 war pact"
227  TaskForcesDeployed
1260 XCededTerritories                       // "%s1 ceded disputed territories to %2."
1261 XCedeTerritories                        // confirmed by value change: "%s1 cede disputed territories to %2."
peace terminated
1351 FriendshipTerminated                    // "They Break Trade Treaty"
8    XAffiliationTerminated                  // "%s1 terminated their affiliation treaty with %2"
9    XAffiliationExpired                     // "Affiliation treaty between %1 and %2 expired"
382  XFriendshipTerminated                   // confirmed by value change: "%s1 terminated their friendship treaty with %2"
383  XFriendshipExpired                      // "Friendship treaty between %1 and %2 expired"
865  XNonAggressionTerminated                // confirmed by value change: "%s1 terminated their non-aggression treaty with %2"
866  XNonAggressionExpired                   // "Non-aggression treaty between %1 and %2 expired"
213  Declare
214  DeclareWar
1423 War                                     // "War has been declared between two major powers..."
192  XCreditsTransferred                     // confirmed by value change: "%s transferred %d credits to %s"
other party treaties
20   XAllianceAccepted                       // confirmed by value change: "%s1 accepted an alliance proposal from %2"
race encounters
967  RaceEncountered
1026 RaceXEncountered                        // confirmed by value change: "You encountered %1 in sector %2."
1141 XDiscoveredYourSystem                   // "%s discover one of your systems"

## Event.Critics.Card ##
669  Bombardment                             // "The bombardment of the %s system has silenced several dissidents."
674  Betrayment                              // "Many Cardassian citizens were shocked to hear that we have betrayed %s."
679  Colonization                            // confirmed by value change: EXPAND_TERRITORY 484, details 495|813 -> "Citizens raised a glass of kanar to celebrate the colonization of %s."
684  War                                     // "Our people strongly favor the war against %s."
690  FallenEmpire                            // "All Cardassians rejoice at the collapse of %s."
695  LiberationCelebration                   // "The citizens are pleased that %s have been set free."
700  LiberationAppreciation                  // "The liberation of %s has raised the spirits of all loyal Cardassians."
710  Defeat                                  // "The defeat in sector %s has led citizens to openly criticize our policies."
720  DefeatMorale                            // confirmed by value change: "Cardassian citizens were disappointed to hear of our defeat in sector %s."
725  DefeatSupportLoss                       // "Cardassian laborers are disenchanted by the defeat in sector %s."
705  HomeSystemLoss                          // "The loss of Cardassia Prime has led to widespread disillusionment and several suicides."
715  SystemLoss                              // "Cardassian citizens are disheartened by the loss of %s to enemy forces."
730  SystemLossMorale                        // "Cardassian citizens are disheartened by the loss of the %s system."
736  Rebels                                  // "Many Cardassian citizens appear to sympathize with the rebels of %s."
741  RejectedPeace                           // confirmed by value change: "Our citizens are disappointed to hear that there will be no peace with %s."
746  Alliance                                // "The public response to our alliance with %s is very favorable."
751  Member                                  // "%s have been received warmly by our citizens."
756  Peace                                   // confirmed by value change: PEACE_SIGNED_1 487 -> "News of our peace with %s has been received warmly by our citizens."
769  Subjugation                             // confirmed by value change: "Cardassian citizens are glad to hear that the %s system is under control."
774  DeclaredWar                             // "The chance to prove ourselves against %s has boosted enlistments."
779  Victory                                 // "Cardassian citizens are deeply inspired by the great victory in sector %s."
784  VictoryMoraleIncrease                   // "Cardassian citizens were mildly pleased to hear of the victory in sector %s."
789  VictorySupportGain                      // "The people are clearly excited by our victory in sector %s."

## Event.Critics.Fed ##
671  Bombardment                             // "The bombing of %s has eroded popular support for our military."
676  Betrayment                              // confirmed by value change: "Many citizens feel that in betraying %s, we have betrayed our own people."
681  Colonization                            // confirmed by value change: EXPAND_TERRITORY 484, details 495|813 -> "Citizens throughout the Federation celebrate the colonization of %s."
686  War                                     // confirmed by value change: "Several popular editorials have strongly criticized the war against %s."
692  FallenEmpire                            // "The fall of %s is celebrated enthusiastically by many Federation citizens."
697  LiberationCelebration                   // "Celebrations are planned to honor the heroes who liberated %s."
702  LiberationAppreciation                  // "The liberation of the %s system has generated new support for the war."
712  Defeat                                  // "Anti-war demonstrations are more frequent since the defeat in sector %s."
722  DefeatMorale                            // "Federation citizens are mildly displeased by our defeat in sector %s."
727  DefeatSupportLoss                       // "Our military leaders have been ridiculed since the defeat in sector %s."
707  HomeSystemLoss                          // "Protesters are demanding an explanation for our failure to protect the Sol system."
717  SystemLoss                              // "Citizens are outraged by our inability to properly defend %s."
732  SystemLossMorale                        // "The people are not pleased by our failure to control %s."
738  Rebels                                  // "The rebels of %s have a growing base of sympathy on other Federation worlds."
743  RejectedPeace                           // confirmed by value change: "Activists have strongly condemned our refusal of peace with %s."
748  Alliance                                // confirmed by value change: "Popular support for our alliance with %s is truly overwhelming."
753  Member                                  // "%s have been welcomed into the Federation with open arms."
758  Peace                                   // confirmed by value change: PEACE_SIGNED_1 487 -> "Our treaty with %s has quelled the fears of many concerned citizens."
771  Subjugation                             // confirmed by value change: "The brutal subjugation of the %s system has triggered widespread protests."
776  DeclaredWar                             // "The war against %s has increased support for our military policies."
781  Victory                                 // confirmed by value change: "The victory in sector %s has raised the enthusiasm of Federation citizens."
786  VictoryMoraleIncrease                   // "Spirits on the home front were raised somewhat by the victory in sector %s."
791  VictorySupportGain                      // confirmed by value change: "The victory in sector %s is the lead story in most civilian news services."

## Event.Critics.Ferg ##
670  Bombardment                             // confirmed by value change: "The Exchange posted strong gains today in response to the bombing of %s."
675  Betrayment                              // "Our breach of contract with %s will be costly."
680  Colonization                            // EXPAND_TERRITORY 484, details 495|813 -> "Investors are enthusiastic about opportunities in the new %s colony."
685  War                                     // "Investors are reacting positively to the news of war against %s."
691  FallenEmpire                            // "The fall of %s lifted the Exchange to record highs."
696  LiberationCelebration                   // "Financiers are pleased that %s can resume trade."
701  LiberationAppreciation                  // "The restoration of the %s market is good news to all Ferengi exporters."
711  Defeat                                  // "Military certificates plunged in value following the defeat in sector %s."
721  DefeatMorale                            // confirmed by value change: "The defeat in sector %s has raised the concerns of many businessmen."
726  DefeatSupportLoss                       // confirmed by value change: "The defeat in sector %s has triggered a drop in consumer confidence."
706  HomeSystemLoss                          // "The loss of Ferenginar has pushed the Exchange down to an all-time low."
716  SystemLoss                              // "The loss of %s from our consumer base is a disaster for Ferengi exporters."
731  SystemLossMorale                        // "Consumer confidence dropped slightly on reports that we have lost %s."
737  Rebels                                  // "The rebellion in sector %s caused a serious drop in the Exchange."
742  RejectedPeace                           // confirmed by value change: "Investors were disappointed that there will be no peace with %s."
747  Alliance                                // "The Exchange hit a record high as brokers celebrated our alliance with %s."
752  Member                                  // "Investors are looking forward to new business opportunities among %s."
757  Peace                                   // PEACE_SIGNED_1 487 -> "Entrepreneurs are looking forward to new opportunities among %s."
770  Subjugation                             // confirmed by value change: "Investors are relieved to hear that the %s system is now a stable market."
775  DeclaredWar                             // "Analysts believe the war against %s will be very profitable."
780  Victory                                 // "Investors were impressed by the great military success in sector %s."
785  VictoryMoraleIncrease                   // "The victory in sector %s led to a slight increase in consumer confidence."
790  VictorySupportGain                      // "Brokers are buying stock in our military after the victory in sector %s."

## Event.Critics.Kling ##
672  Bombardment                             // confirmed by value change: "It is felt that the bombardment of %s proves that we are still Klingon."
677  Betrayment                              // "Our breach of honor with %s has not been well received."
682  Colonization                            // EXPAND_TERRITORY 484, details 495|813 -> "The %s system will give our people some long-overdue breathing room."
687  War                                     // "All true warriors look forward to the war against %s."
693  FallenEmpire                            // "Warriors celebrated the fall of %s with bloodwine and song."
698  LiberationCelebration                   // "Our warriors look with pride on the liberation of %s."
703  LiberationAppreciation                  // "Many warriors will join the Order of the Bat'leth for their actions at %s."
713  Defeat                                  // "The defeat in sector %s has raised deep concerns among many warriors."
723  DefeatMorale                            // "The defeat in sector %s has lowered the morale of our people."
728  DefeatSupportLoss                       // "Warriors are demanding that the deaths in sector %s be avenged."
708  HomeSystemLoss                          // "Many warriors have chosen honorable suicide over life without the homeworld."
718  SystemLoss                              // "In failing to defend %s, we have lost a great deal of honor."
733  SystemLossMorale                        // "Every Klingon warrior is shamed by our failure to defend the %s system."
739  Rebels                                  // "Many warriors support the %s rebels more strongly than the High Council."
744  RejectedPeace                           // "Our people are pleased to hear that peace has been averted."
749  Alliance                                // confirmed by value change: "The people believe we have found worthy allies in %s."
754  Member                                  // "Warriors are pleased that %s will now be considered their brothers."
759  Peace                                   // PEACE_SIGNED_1 487 -> "The people are disappointed that there will be no battles with %s."
772  Subjugation                             // confirmed by value change: "Our warriors revel in the glory of our victory in the %s system."
777  DeclaredWar                             // "All true warriors look forward eagerly to the war against %s."
782  Victory                                 // "Warriors are deeply inspired by the great victory in sector %s."
787  VictoryMoraleIncrease                   // "The victory in sector %s has raised the spirits of our people."
792  VictorySupportGain                      // confirmed by value change: "The victory in sector %s has renewed our faith in the teachings of Kahless."

## Event.Critics.Rom ##
673  Bombardment                             // confirmed by value change: "Many vocal dissidents have been silenced by the bombardment of %s."
678  Betrayment                              // confirmed by value change: "Some restless citizens have questioned our breach of treaty with %s."
683  Colonization                            // confirmed by value change: EXPAND_TERRITORY 484, details 495|813 -> "Citizens are glad to hear that the %s system is now part of our Empire."
688  War                                     // confirmed by value change: "The people are pleased that we will settle accounts with %s."
694  FallenEmpire                            // "An Imperial holiday commemorates the fall of %s."
699  LiberationCelebration                   // "The liberation of %s has raised the spirits of many concerned citizens."
704  LiberationAppreciation                  // "The rescue of %s has become a popular cause for celebration."
714  Defeat                                  // "Citizens have openly condemned our failure in sector %s."
724  DefeatMorale                            // confirmed by value change: "Citizens were displeased to hear of the defeat in sector %s."
729  DefeatSupportLoss                       // confirmed by value change: "The disaster in sector %s has eroded popular support for the military."
709  HomeSystemLoss                          // "The people believe that the loss of Romulus is a clear sign of governmental incompetence."
719  SystemLoss                              // confirmed by value change: "The people are strongly displeased by our failure to protect %s."
734  SystemLossMorale                        // confirmed by value change: "Many citizens have expressed disappointment at the loss of the %s system."
740  Rebels                                  // "There appears to be some popular sympathy for the rebels of %s."
745  RejectedPeace                           // confirmed by value change: "The people are pleased that our status with %s will not change."
750  Alliance                                // "The people believe that our alliance with %s will be our salvation."
755  Member                                  // "The people seem happy to accept %s as members of our great Empire."
760  Peace                                   // confirmed by value change: PEACE_SIGNED_1 487 -> "The people seem to approve of our arrangement with %s."
773  Subjugation                             // confirmed by value change: "Citizens are relieved that there will be no more trouble in %s."
778  DeclaredWar                             // confirmed by value change: "The people are pleased that we will settle accounts with %s."
783  Victory                                 // confirmed by value change: "The great victory in sector %s was welcome news to all loyal Romulans."
788  VictoryMoraleIncrease                   // "The people are pleased by our military success in sector %s."
793  VictorySupportGain                      // confirmed by value change: "Popular support for the military was reinforced by the victory in sector %s."

## Event.Combat ##
1140 XDefeated                               // confirmed by value change: "%s defeated %s"
231  XDestroyed                              // confirmed by value change: "%s destroyed"
800  Encounter.XList                         // confirmed by value change: "%s{{, %s} and %s}"
Last edited by Flocke on Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:14 am, edited 8 times in total.
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BORG Trouble Maker
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

The topics of turn event popup notifications.
Note, in stbof.ini there are three filter options: ECONFILTER, EVENTFILTER and MILITARYFILTER.
None of them seems to have any effect.

## EventHeader.Global ##
215  Defeated
1410 Victorious

## EventHeader.Random ##
global events
89   NAMED_BENEFACTOR                        // "%u1 NAMED BENEFACTOR"
998  RESEARCH_SETBACK                        // "%s RESEARCH SETBACK"
1165 SPACE_DISTORTION                        // "FABRIC OF SPACE DISTURBED"
system events
170  COMET_STRIKE_1                          // "COMET STRIKES IN %s"
175  COMET_STRIKE_2                          // "COMET STRIKES IN %s"
253  EARTHQUAKE_1                            // "EARTHQUAKE IN %s SYSTEM"
1018 Earthquake_2                            // "Earthquake in %s system"
284  ENERGY_MELTDOWN_1                       // "ENERGY MELTDOWN IN %s SYSTEM"
1019 EnergyMeltdown_2                        // "Energy Meltdown in %s system"
481  IMMIGRATION_BOOM                        // "IMMIGRATION BOOM IN %s"
876  NOVA                                    // "NOVA IN %s"
910  NEGATIVE_PLANET_SHIFT                   // "NEGATIVE PLANET SHIFT in %s"
912  POSITIVE_PLANET_SHIFT                   // "POSITIVE PLANET SHIFT in %s"
guild strikes
relationship strains
1193 NEGATIVE_PROPAGANDA                     // details 1194
1195 MINOR_DIPLOMATIC_BLUNDER                // confirmed by value change: details 1196
1197 NEGATIVE_POLITICAL_SHIFT                // details 1198
1199 MAJOR_DIPLOMATIC_BLUNDER                // details 1200
1201 ASSASSINATION_ATTEMPT                   // details 1202
relationship backings
1203 POSITIVE_PROPAGANDA                     // details 1204
1205 PRIVATE_GIFT                            // details 1206
1207 POSITIVE_POLITICAL_SHIFT                // details 1208
1209 RESEARCHER_HONORED                      // details 1210
1211 DISPUTE_MEDIATED                        // details 1212

## EventHeader.Galactic ##
484  EXPAND_TERRITORY                        // confirmed by value change: summary 679|680|681|682|683 -> "%s EXPAND TERRITORY"
486  INVASION_SUCCESS                        // confirmed by value change: summary 1044, details 521|506|505|493|508
520  SIEGE_SYSTEM                            // confirmed by value change: critics 669|671|670|672|673, details 506|504|505|508|494|515 -> "%1 SIEGE %2 SYSTEM"
1188 SuccessfulLiberation
491  SYSTEM_LOST                             // "%s SYSTEM LOST"
497  FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT                    // confirmed by value change: no summary, details 501|523|505|508 -> "%s FORCES SUFFER DEFEAT"
667  RaceDetected                            // confirmed by value change: borg 98 encounter, details 494|920 -> "%s detected in %s system"
see Data.Galaxy.StellarObjects
490  XLOST                                   // confirmed by value change: "%1 LOST IN %2"
1119 Menu.Shared.Ship;                       // confirmed by value change: XLOST
1139 Data.Combat.VesselType.Ships;           // confirmed by value change: XLOST
973  Range
1045 RaidSystem                              // confirmed by value change: summary: 1042 -> "%s1 raid %2 system"

## EventHeader.System ##
849  POWER_OUTAGE                            // confirmed by value change: summary 1025, details 850 -> "POWER OUTAGE IN %s"
908  PLAGUE_STRIKE                           // confirmed by value change: summary 1029, details 909 -> "PLAGUE STRIKES %s"
1175 STARVATION                              // "STARVATION IN %S SYSTEM"
978  REBELLION                               // "REBELLION IN %s!"
1363 TRADE

## EventHeader.Intel ##
313  ExternalIntelligence
485  UrgentIntelligenceReport                // confirmed by value change: summary not from lexicon, details 1162|1250|610
976  CreditDeficit
1000 RESEARCH_THEFT                          // "%s RESEARCH THEFT"
1262 TERRORISTS_STRIKE                       // "TERRORISTS STRIKE %s"

## EventHeader.Research ##
488  Breakthrough                            // confirmed by value change: "%s breakthrough in %s", summary 1017, no details entry

## EventHeader.Diplomatic ##
18   AgreedPeaceTreaty
216  DefeatedPeaceTreaty
487  PEACE_SIGNED_1                          // confirmed by value change: summary 7, details 13|387|860|870
421  Greetings                               // "Greetings!!"
618  MakeStatement                           // "Make Statement"
823  NewStatement                            // "New Statement"
1178 Statement
1422 WAR_DECLARED                            // confirmed by value change: summary 1421, 688|... details 1421

greetings and info displayed on encounter
## EventHeader.RaceEncounter ##
123  GreetingsFromCardassians                // confirmed by value change: "Greetings from the Cardassian Union..."
321  GreetingsFromFederation                 // confirmed by value change: "Greetings from the United Federation of Planets..."
325  GreetingsFromFerengi                    // confirmed by value change: "Greetings from the Ferengi Alliance..."
561  GreetingsFromKlingons                   // confirmed by value change: "Greetings from the Klingon Empire..."
1059 GreetingsFromRomulans                   // confirmed by value change: "Greetings from the Romulan Star Empire..."

126  Acamarians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Acamarians are technologically advanced,..."
127  Andorians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Andorians are strong and cunning warriors..."
128  Angosians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Angosians use enhanced soldiers for defense..."
129  Antedeans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Antedeans are too weak to survive space travel..."
130  Anticans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Anticans are spirited warriors of limited intelligence..."
131  Bajorans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bajorans guard their independence fiercely..."
132  Bandi                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bandi have a talent for architecture..."
133  Benzites                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Benzites are motivated and efficient workers..."
134  Betazoids                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Betazoids have telepathic abilities..."
135  Bolians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bolians have a talent for cosmetic surgery..."
136  Bynars                                  // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bynars live in symbiosis with their computers..."
137  Caldonians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Caldonians are fanatical researchers, and poor warriors..."
138  Chalnoth                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Chalnoth are strong warriors, but easily manipulated..."
139  Edo                                     // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Edo live only for pleasure..."
140  Ktarians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ktarians are cunning saboteurs..."
141  Malcorians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Malcorians are concerned about the effects of alien contact..."
142  Mintakans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mintakans are a wholly agrarian society..."
143  Mizarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mizarians are pacifists, afraid to defend themselves..."
144  Nausicaans                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Nausicaans are sturdy warriors..."
145  Pakleds                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Pakleds do not understand the technology they have stolen..."
146  Selay                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Selay are spirited warriors of limited intelligence..."
147  Sheliak                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Sheliak believe themselves superior to us..."
148  Takarans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Takarans are incredibly resilient, and highly intelligent..."
149  Talarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Talarians are fierce warriors..."
150  Tamarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Tamarians speak unintelligibly, but fight bravely..."
151  Trill                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Trill enjoy long lives..."
152  Ullians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ullians have an insight into alien psychology..."
153  Vulcans                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Vulcans are disciplined thinkers..."
154  Yridians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Yridians are peddlers of information..."
155  Zakdorn                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Zakdorn have an incredible genius for strategy..."

446  Acamarians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Acamarians wish to preserve their social structure.  We must take steps to ensure that they can."
447  Andorians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Andorians have a bloody past, but desire a more peaceful future -- much like mankind."
448  Angosians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Angosians have a nearly perfect society, but they pay a high price.  Their enhanced soldiers deserve social as well as military respect."
449  Antedeans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Antedeans have advanced technology, but do not travel in space.  They find it 'uncomfortable'."
450  Anticans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Anticans are not as advanced as they would have us believe.  An important first step would be a resolution of their conflict with the Selay."
451  Bajorans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bajoran Jalanda Forum is a model of open discourse, which can only improve relations between Federation members."
452  Bandi                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Despite their lack of warp technology, the Bandi use methods of construction that compare favorably to our own."
453  Benzites                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Benzite culture values industry and efficiency.  They would be welcome members of the Federation."
454  Betazoids                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Betazoid telepathy is an asset that our rivals may try to exploit.  We should offer Betazed our protection."
455  Bolians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bolian talent for cosmetic alteration will be coveted by enemy intelligence agents."
456  Bynars                                  // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bynars have an understanding of computers that could revolutionize our research."
457  Caldonians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Caldonians are disciplined researchers, and share our love of knowledge for its own sake."
458  Chalnoth                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Chalnoth are a brutal race, and should be approached with caution and respect."
459  Edo                                     // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Edo enjoy an idyllic existence, but their legal system is a high price to pay for their bliss."
460  Ktarians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ktarians are a very intelligent and cunning people.  It remains to be seen whether they are indeed trustworthy."
461  Malcorians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Malcorian society suffers from xenophobic tendencies, but technologically they are nearly capable of warp travel."
462  Mintakans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mintakans are primitive, but remarkably talented in agriculture.  The Prime Directive compels us to protect them from alien interference."
463  Mizarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mizarians are absolute pacifists.  Apparently, this is the main reason that they've survived the last few centuries."
464  Nausicaans                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Nausicaans are a proud and strong race.  They are always at war, but never have a shortage of new recruits."
465  Pakleds                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Pakleds are a shining example of what happens when the Prime Directive is ignored.  However, their skill at obtaining technology is to be admired."
466  Selay                                   // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Selay are not as advanced as they would have us believe.  An important first step would be a resolution of their conflict with the Anticans."
467  Sheliak                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Sheliak interpret their treaties very strictly.  We should exercise extreme caution in making any agreements with them."
468  Takarans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Takarans are notable for their proficiency in theoretical physics, as well as their unusual biochemistry."
469  Talarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Talarians are skilled warriors, and highly territorial.  We should approach them with caution and respect."
470  Tamarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Tamarians appear to have ideals similar to our own.  If we can overcome the language barrier, we will both profit from this contact."
471  Trill                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The joined Trill live several times as long as the oldest humans.  Their wisdom could be a great asset to the Federation."
472  Ullians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ullians act as historians for many alien cultures.  Their knowledge of this galaxy would be of enormous academic interest."
473  Vulcans                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Vulcans have suppressed their emotions in favor of pure logic.  Their clarity of thought would be an asset to our growing Federation."
474  Yridians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Yridians survive by selling secret information.  We must be extremely cautious and circumspect in dealing with them."
475  Zakdorn                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Zakdorn talent for strategy cannot be overstated.  Their genius could be a great boon to our officer training programs."

327  Acamarians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Acamarians have warp technology... so they must have something of value."
328  Andorians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Andorians are experienced warriors.  If we acquire them, they could train our crews!"
329  Angosians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Angosians have one very valuable asset... their soldiers!"
330  Antedeans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Antedeans won't leave their home system... we could monopolize their export industry!"
331  Anticans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Anticans will buy almost anything, as long as they can use it against the Selay..."
332  Bajorans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bajorans are deeply religious.  Trade with 'em, but don't trust their ale."
333  Bandi                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  If we can acquire the Bandi, we can use their architectural designs in our new structures!"
334  Benzites                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Benzites are very efficient workers.  They would be an asset to the Ferengi economy!"
335  Betazoids                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Betazoids can read minds, but apparently they can't read ours... we could make a fortune here!"
336  Bolians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Bolian cosmetics are truly revolutionary.  All they need is a good market strategy."
337  Bynars                                  // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bynars have incredibly advanced computer theories.  They could be very valuable."
338  Caldonians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Caldonians enjoy research for its own sake.  They're not much use economically."
339  Chalnoth                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Chalnoth are savage and hostile.  Trading with them would be dangerous."
340  Edo                                     // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Edo have nothing but leisure time.  They're the ultimate consumers!"
341  Ktarians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Ktarian games are highly addictive.  We could make a fortune as their sole distributor."
342  Malcorians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Malcorians don't want their people to know about aliens.  It's a tough market to crack, but there won't be much competition..."
343  Mintakans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mintakans are hard-working and simple.  That's what I call a perfect employee!"
344  Mizarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mizarians won't defend themselves if we attack 'em.  How can we possibly go wrong?"
345  Nausicaans                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Nausicaans are big, strong, and mean.  And even worse, they're practically broke!"
346  Pakleds                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Pakleds don't even understand the technology they have... which makes them very exploitable customers."
347  Selay                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Selay will buy almost anything, as long as they can use it against the Anticans..."
348  Sheliak                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  If we want to trade with the Sheliak, we'll have to find a way to get their attention."
349  Takarans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Takaran physiology is unlike any other.  They have unique needs... which we may be able to exploit."
350  Talarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Talarian defenses are almost impenetrable.  I recommend a few large bribes."
351  Tamarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Tamarians have a strange language, but they have plenty of latinum.  Surely, we can make some kind of a deal..."
352  Trill                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Trill are friendly and civil, but they have long memories.  We must treat them with caution."
353  Ullians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ullians can read our minds.  This is not a desirable trait among customers."
354  Vulcans                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Vulcans don't have any emotions at all.  They'll be tough customers."
355  Yridians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Yridians sell information... a partnership would be very profitable."
356  Zakdorn                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Zakdorn may be willing to share their tactical expertise... for the right price."

564  Acamarians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Acamarians are cunning, but not strong.  We can defeat them."
565  Andorians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Andorians are great warriors.  They will make fine opponents and finer allies."
566  Angosians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Angosians use science to create their warriors... but true warriors are born, not made."
567  Antedeans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Antedeans are too weak to travel in space.  They are not even worthy to be our enemies."
568  Anticans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  With proper training, the Anticans could become skilled warriors."
569  Bajorans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Beneath their soft exterior, the Bajorans have strong hearts.  They can be an inspiration to our people."
570  Bandi                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bandi are too cowardly to pose any serious threat to us."
571  Benzites                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Benzites are hard workers, but poor fighters."
572  Betazoids                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Betazoids are weak, but their telepathy can make them dangerous."
573  Bolians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bolians are not warriors.  They are of no importance to us."
574  Bynars                                  // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bynars have advanced computers, but poor defenses."
575  Caldonians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Caldonians are researchers.  There is not a warrior among them."
576  Chalnoth                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Chalnoth are primitive, but their hearts are strong and their weapons are impressive."
577  Edo                                     // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Edo live only for pleasure.  They are of no importance."
578  Ktarians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ktarians fight with devious tricks and diversions.  They have no honor, but they are dangerous."
579  Malcorians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Malcorians wish to remain isolated from alien contact.  Cowards!"
580  Mintakans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mintakans are primitive, but they are not fools.  Watch them carefully."
581  Mizarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mizarians will not defend themselves. They deserve no respect."
582  Nausicaans                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Nausicaans are mighty, but they have no cunning.  We will defeat them."
583  Pakleds                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Pakleds are weak fools with a talent for stealing alien technology.  They are dangerous only to other fools."
584  Selay                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  With proper training, the Selay could become skilled warriors."
585  Sheliak                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Sheliak are strong, but they are not Klingons!  We will make them respect us."
586  Takarans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Takarans have strength in both mind and body.  They could be worthy allies."
587  Talarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Talarians are cunning warriors, yet they fight with honor.  Invasion will be difficult, but they may come to see us as allies."
588  Tamarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Tamarians make no sense when they speak, but their weapons speak clearly enough."
589  Trill                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Trill are fragile, but their frailty hides an inner strength.  Their longevity leads to great wisdom, and that wisdom gives them power."
590  Ullians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ullians are not warriors, but we must be wary of their mental powers."
591  Vulcans                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Vulcans are peaceful, but only by choice.  They can be powerful warriors if the need arises."
592  Yridians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Yridians are cowards who sell secrets to other cowards.  We must teach them the price of cowardice."
593  Zakdorn                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Zakdorn reputation for strategy is not undeserved.  Treat them with caution."

1062 Acamarians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Acamarians have discovered the warp drive. They may be of some use to us."
1063 Andorians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Andorians have a long and violent history.  Their tactical expertise could be of value."
1064 Angosians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Angosians use innovative techniques to prepare their soldiers.  We could make use of this knowledge."
1065 Antedeans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Antedeans have little of value.  We can be sure that they will not intrude in our space."
1066 Anticans                                // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Anticans know nothing but their hatred of the Selay.  They are of no use to us, unless their hatred can be redirected."
1067 Bajorans                                // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bajorans have a strong spirit that reflects our own.  They could be worthy allies, one day."
1068 Bandi                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bandi have a gift for architecture which would aid our research."
1069 Benzites                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Benzites have an impressive work ethic;                                                                      // they are highly productive laborers."
1070 Betazoids                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  Betazoid empathy could be of use to our intelligence forces."
1071 Bolians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bolians have a skill in cosmetic surgery which could assist our external agents."
1072 Bynars                                  // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Bynars have a gift for computer research which could be made to serve our needs."
1073 Caldonians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Caldonians care only for research.  If we can protect them, they will greatly enhance our intellectual resources."
1074 Chalnoth                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Chalnoth are brutal and savage, and do not have warp drive.  They are probably best left alone."
1075 Edo                                     // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Edo live only for pleasure.  In themselves they are useless to us, but their presence would raise the morale of our citizens."
1076 Ktarians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ktarians have innovative methods of sabotage which would be of interest to our intelligence operatives."
1077 Malcorians                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Malcorians have unique propulsion theories.  Their ideas could be of use to us."
1078 Mintakans                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mintakans are an offshoot of our own genetic precursors.  They would work well within our ranks."
1079 Mizarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Mizarians have no courage, no conviction, and no dignity.  They care only for their own survival.  They cannot be trusted."
1080 Nausicaans                              // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Nausicaans are fierce warriors, but mentally inferior.  We could control them easily."
1081 Pakleds                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Pakleds have advanced technology, but it is not of their own making.  We will learn nothing from them, but they are not without their uses."
1082 Selay                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Selay know nothing but their hatred of the Anticans.  They are of no use to us, unless their hatred can be redirected."
1083 Sheliak                                 // confirmed by value change: "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Sheliak believe themselves superior to all other races...ourselves included.  It would be a pleasure to prove otherwise."
1084 Takarans                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Takarans have a superior understanding of physics.  Their gifts would enhance our research significantly."
1085 Talarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Talarians are capable of defending themselves, but they have little that is worth defending."
1086 Tamarians                               // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Tamarians are an advanced species.  They will enhance our intellectual resources... if we can communicate with them."
1087 Trill                                   // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The symbiotic Trill live for centuries.  Their accumulated knowledge is beyond price."
1088 Ullians                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Ullians have used their telepathy to gather historical data.  This data could be very useful to our intelligence operatives."
1089 Vulcans                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Vulcans are our distant cousins.  They have rejected emotion for pure logic, but perhaps the time has come for reunification."
1090 Yridians                                // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Yridians trade military secrets for wealth.  If they keep records of the secrets they learn, our intelligence operatives will be very interested."
1091 Zakdorn                                 // "DIPLOMATIC REPORT:  The Zakdorn reputation for tactical genius is well-deserved.  We cannot afford to let them join our rivals."

Detailed turn event descriptions shown by popup notifications.
Note, in stbof.ini there are three filter options: ECONFILTER, EVENTFILTER and MILITARYFILTER.
None of them seems to have any effect.

## EventDetails.Galactic ##
EXPAND_TERRITORY 484                         -> confirmed by value change: summary 679|680|681|682|683
495  SystemColonyFounded                     // confirmed by value change, first line: "System %s colony is founded"
813  ColonizedSystem                         // confirmed by value change, details:    "You have colonized a new system..."
XLOST 490                                    -> confirmed by value change: summary 1128|1143|1144
1128 Event.Galactic.ShipLostInWormhole;      // confirmed by value change
1143 Event.Galactic.ShipsLostInWormhole;     // confirmed by value change
system attack
INVASION_SUCCESS 486                         -> confirmed by value change: summary 1044
521  SystemConquered                         // confirmed by value change, first line: "System %1 taken from %2."
FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT 497                     -> confirmed by value change: no summary
501  SystemRepelsInvasion                    // confirmed by value change, first line: "System %1 repels the %2 invasion."
523  TransportShipLost                       // confirmed by value change: FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT 497 -> "1 transport ship lost in the attempt."
524  TransportShipsLost                      // "%d transport ships lost in the attempt."
SIEGE_SYSTEM 520                             -> confirmed by value change: summary 672
514  PlanetaryDefenseLoss                    // confirmed by value change: "Planetary defense in %s destroyed 1 ship."
515  PlanetaryDefenseLosses                  // confirmed by value change: SIEGE_SYSTEM 520 -> "Planetary defense in %1 destroyed %d2 of %d3 ships."
RaceDetected 667                             -> confirmed by value change: Borg encounter, 494|920
920  PeopleKilled                            // confirmed by value change: RaceDetected 667 -> "%d million people were killed."
- shared invasion & siege result list 486|497|520|667
506  NoAttackingShipsDestroyed               // confirmed by value change: INVASION_SUCCESS 486, SIEGE_SYSTEM 520 -> "No attacking ships destroyed."
502  XDestroyed                              // confirmed by value change: orbital batteries "%s destroyed"
504  XOfDestroyed                            // confirmed by value change: SIEGE_SYSTEM 520 -> "%d1 of %d2 %3 destroyed."
505  BombedStructuresDestroyed               // confirmed by value change: INVASION_SUCCESS 486, FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT 497, SIEGE_SYSTEM 520 -> "%d1 of %d2 structures destroyed by bombardment."
517  BombedStructureDestroyed                // "1 structure destroyed by bombardment."
493  DeployedTroop                           // confirmed by value change: INVASION_SUCCESS 486 -> "One transport deployed troops to maintain order."
525  DeployedTroops                          // "%d transports deployed troops to maintain order."
508  BombedPopulationKilled                  // confirmed by value change: INVASION_SUCCESS 486, FORCES_SUFFER_DEFEAT 497, SIEGE_SYSTEM 520 -> "%d million population killed by bombardment."
494  AllLifeOnDestroyed                      // confirmed by value change: SIEGE_SYSTEM 520, RaceDetected 667 -> "All life on %s destroyed."
1046 SiegeSystem                             // "Siege of %s system"
RaidSystem 1045                              -> confirmed by value change: summary 1042
1045 EventHeader.Galactic.RaidSystem;        // confirmed by value change: first line -> "%s1 raid %2 system"
496  CreditsStolen                           // confirmed by value change: second row, shared with galaxy tooltips -> "%d credits stolen."
- optional raid list 1045
509  ScannersHinderedRaid                    // "%s and scanners hindered raid operations"
499  AllTradeIncomeSeized                    // confirmed by value change: opposite of 500 -> "All trade income from %s was seized."
498  WereDetected                            // confirmed by value change: "%d %s were detected"
503  OneDetected                             // "1 %s was detected"
510  HinderedRaid                            // confirmed by value change: "%s hindered raid"

## EventDetails.System ##
POWER_OUTAGE 849                             -> confirmed by value change, summary 1025
850  PowerOutage_1                           // confirmed by value change: "Insufficient energy in %s system.  Structures have been shut down."
614  PowerOutage_2                           // "One of your colonies is producing insufficient energy..."
PLAGUE_STRIKE 908                            -> confirmed by value change, summary 1029
909  PlagueStrike                            // confirmed by value change: "Plague has stricken the citizens of %1.  The death toll is estimated at %d2 million."
1177 Starvation                              // "One of your systems has insufficient food to support its current population..."

## EventDetails.Intel ##
UrgentIntelligenceReport 485                 -> confirmed by value change, summary not from lexicon
1162 Source                                  // confirmed by value change: first row
1393 Data.Shared.Unknown;                    // confirmed by value change: first row
1250 Target                                  // confirmed by value change: second row
610  Location                                // confirmed by value change: third row
798  Data.Shared.NotAvailable;               // confirmed by value change: third row -> "n/a"

## EventDetails.Diplomatic ##
PEACE_SIGNED 487                             -> confirmed by value change, summary 7
637  XMembershipSigned                       // "%s1 joined %2"
26   XAllianceSigned                         // "%s1 signed an alliance with %2"
13   XAffiliationSigned                      // confirmed by value change, first line:   "%s1 signed an affiliation treaty with %2"
387  XFriendshipSigned                       // confirmed by value change: "%s1 signed a friendship treaty with %2"
870  XNonAggressionSigned                    // confirmed by value change, first line:   "%s1 signed a non-aggression treaty with %2"
638  MinorMembership                         // "You have signed a membership agreement with a minor race..."
28   AllianceSigned                          // "You have signed an alliance with another major power..."
14   AffilitionSigned                        // "You have signed an affiliation treaty with another race..."
381  FriendshipSigned                        // "You have signed a friendship agreement with another race..."
860  NonAggressionSigned                     // confirmed by value change, second line:  "You have signed a Non-Aggression agreement with another race..."
616  MajorContact                            // "You have made First Contact with another major power..."
645  MinorContact                            // "You have made First Contact with a minor race..."
WAR_DECLARED 1422                            -> confirmed by value change: summary 1421
1421 Event.Diplomatic.XWarDeclared;          // confirmed by value change: "%s1 declare war against %2"

relationship strains
1194 NegativePropaganda                      // "A prominent citizen has publicly questioned our motives... %1 %2."
MINOR_DIPLOMATIC_BLUNDER 1195                -> confirmed by value change
1196 MinorDiplomaticBlunder                  // confirmed by value change: "A member of our diplomatic corps failed to observe proper etiquette... %1 %2."
1198 NegativePoliticalShift                  // "The government of the %1 has changed... %2."
1200 MajorDiplomaticBlunder                  // "A member of our diplomatic corps inadvertently forwarded a very insulting letter... %1 %2."
1202 AssassinationAttempt                    // "A prominent leader of %1 was nearly assassinated... %2."

relationship backings
1204 PositivePropaganda                      // "A prominent citizen has publicly supported our policies... %1 %2."
1206 PrivateGift                             // "One of our most wealthy citizens offered a substantial gift... %1 %2."
1208 PositivePoliticalShift                  // "The leadership of %1 has changed... %2."
1210 ResearcherHonored                       // "One of our xenobiologists has earned the praise of %1 ... %2."
1212 DisputeMediated                         // "A serious governmental crisis among %1 has been mediated... %2."
Last edited by Flocke on Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:13 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Game notification head lines for popups not related to the turn progress.
E.g. for error feedback or input confirmation, but not for summary events.

## NotificationHeader.App ##
157  CDRequired                              // "CD-ROM required"
830  NoCD                                    // "NO CD-ROM"
182  ConnectionError
316  Failed

## NotificationHeader.GalaxyMap ##
832  NO_RELATIONSHIP                         // confirmed by value change: notifications 315|856|831 -> "NO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIP"

## NotificationHeader.System ##
259  CREDITS_MISSING                         // "CREDITS MISSING IN %s"

They often have no head lines but are plain message boxes.

## Notification.App ##
0    OptionsChange                           // "The 3d accelerator options have changed..."
156  CDRequired                              // "Star Trek: Birth of the Federation CD-ROM required"
829  NoCD                                    // "Cannot find the Star Trek: Birth of the Federation CD-ROM"
119  DirectSoundError                        // "Cannot Initialize Direct Sound. Check DirectX Install"
120  MSSSoundError                           // "Cannot Initialize Miles Sound System Library"
183  ConnectionError                         // "Connection lost for"
1213 SynchronizationError                    // "A synchronization error has occurred..."
1164 NotEnoughSpace                          // "You don't have enough space"

## Notification.GameSetup ##
917  SelectRace                              // "Please select a race to play"
1457 SelectedX                               // "You have selected the"
557  ConfirmRaceSelection                    // "Is this the race you wish to play?"

## Notification.Multiplayer ##
360  AllEmpiresTaken                         // "All available races have been either taken or eliminated..."
181  Connecting
189  ContinueMultiplayer                     // "The previous game was saved as a multiplayer game..."
245  Disconnected
818  GameAlreadyInProgress                   // "You have chosen a multiplayer game that is already in progress..."
806  GameNameRequired                        // "You must enter a game name before a connection can continue"
440  JoinRequest                             // "requests permission to join your game.  Will you allow the new player to join?"
899  PasswordIncorrect                       // "Your password is incorrect"
554  PasswordInvalid                         // "Invalid Password"
438  PlayerBecomesHost                       // "The host player has been disconnected.  You have been appointed to be the new host."
439  PlayerDisconnected                      // "The host player has been disconnected"
444  PlayerInCombat                          // "A human player is in a tactical combat"
807  PlayerNameRequired                      // "You must enter a player name before a connection can continue"
1111 SessionFull                             // "The session is full"
1395 UnknownPlayer
819  WaitingForJoinAcceptance                // "You chose a multiplayer game that is already in progress..."
441  WaitingForPlayers                       // "Another player must join before a game can begin"
820  WaitingForSaveGame                      // "Please wait for the host to transmit the autosave file."
1417 WaitingOnEmpireSelection                // "All players must select an empire before a game can begin"
881  WaitingOnNewPlayer                      // "A new player is joining the game. Please wait for the new player to start."
1419 WaitingOnOrderSubmission                // "Waiting for orders submissions from: multiplayer"
1418 WaitingOnPlayerCombat                   // "Waiting for %1 to finish a combat"

## Notification.GalaxyMap ##
315  NoTradeAtWar                            // "Trade is not permitted between parties at war."
856  NoTradeFriendship                       // confirmed by value change: "You must establish a Friendship (or better) treaty with another race in order to trade."
831  NoTradeRelationship                     // confirmed by value change: "You must contact another race in order to trade."
system tooltip
219  OrbitalBatteries                        // "Orbital Batteries: %d."
220  OrbitalBatteriesShield                  // "Orbital Batteries: %d.  Shield Generator active."
processing turn
1371 ProcessingTurn                          // confirmed by value change
859  AttackProhibited                        // "You cannot attack this system unless war has been formally declared against %s."
794  CancelMission                           // confirmed by value change: "Movement will cancel the %s mission for this taskforce."
655  CancelMovement                          // confirmed by value change: "The selected mission will cancel the movement orders of this task force."
855  CantTerraform                           // "This planet cannot be terraformed."
858  ColonizationProhibited                  // "You cannot colonize this system unless war has been declared.."
606  ConfirmLiberation                       // "Do you wish to liberate %1 from %2 rule?"

## Notification.System ##
804  InsufficientCredits                     // "Insufficient Credits: need additional %d credits for %s."
805  InsufficientCreditsForUpgrade           // "Insufficient Credits: need additional %d1 credits for upgrade to %2"
1149 MissingCredits                          // "You can't afford to buy this"
1455 Deficit                                 // "You would be %d credits in deficit."
buy current build task
959  ConfirmBuy                              // confirmed by value change: "Buy %1 for %d2 credits?"
1456 DeficitCredits                          // confirmed by value change: "You have %d credits."
full production queue
925  ProductionQueueFull                     // confirmed by value change: "Production Queue is full"
scrap structure
961  ScrapX                                  // confirmed by value change: "Scrap %s?"
962  ScrapXNum                               // confirmed by value change: "Number of %s to scrap?"
no martial law effect
857  NoMoraleEffect                          // confirmed by value change: "This would have no further effect on morale."
236  CancelPurchase                          // "Do you wish to cancel this purchase?"
237  CancelBuild                             // "%d industry invested.  Delete current build?"
118  CannotBuildShip                         // "Cannot build ship;  need ship yard first"
960  ConfirmUpgrade                          // "Buy upgrade from %1 to %2 for %d3 credits?"
963  ConfirmShipyardShutdown                 // "Shutting down %s may strand ships because of range.  Are you sure?"

## Notification.Combat ##
164  CloakedTurn                             // confirmed by value change: "Cloaked ships get a free move..."
854  NoTarget                                // "likely a combat label or error notification"
Last edited by Flocke on Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by thunderchero »

Flocke wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:26 am ## Data.Other.MonsterDescriptions ##
160 TheChodak // "Enormous|Juggernaut|Gigantic|Colossus|Leviathan|Tremendous"
this is an interesting one

I noticed this one a few years back, those are the "ship name" used in main map and ship descriptions in game. it uses random code selection to select a name from that single lexicon. I did test and more names can be added if separated by a Vertical Bar.

IIRC 2 monsters use this lexicon for ship name.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Tethys »

I suppose this makes my post irrelevant. :D

Great job Flocke!
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Spocks-cuddly-tribble »

Great work, but may I ask what is the main point behind the effort?

If you want to mod any ingame feature you can just use a text search in lexicon and/or for shared entries change one asm code for entry number used.

Is there any issue with extending lexicon.dic i.e. adding new entries?

thunderchero wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:02 pmI did test and more names can be added if separated by a Vertical Bar.

IIRC 2 monsters use this lexicon for ship name.
Yes, but it looks as if you need to change this random multiplier to make proper use of all listed names:

Code: Select all

0044FC83                 mov     edx, 6
And it looks as if all/most monsters use lexicon, you can check entry numbers in sub_44FAA4.
I don't know how many bugs is too many but that point is reached somewhere before however many in BotF is.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

So that's my full list.
Spocks-cuddly-tribble wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:16 pm Great work, but may I ask what is the main point behind the effort?
The main point, well, investigation and curiosity I'd say! :D

I am not looking into extending the list, but I'm looking into UE that uses hardcoded indexes by number of the lexicon. This is done to list proper names for known values, which totally makes sense for mod compitability I am currently looking into. Therefore I wanted to keep using the lexicon, however it is quite a pain to read values by number and always look them up by single.

To get rid of this problem I wanted to set up a list of all values I seeked meaningful. In the end however I found I could as well complete the list. ;)

*whisper* Oh and didn't I tell I wanted to work on some kind of a framework? I guess it'll be of good use there as well. Again not for extending the list, but for using known lexicon entries by name rather than by number. And for making sure to use the right ones.
thunderchero wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:02 pm ## Data.Other.MonsterDescriptions ##
160 TheChodak // "Enormous|Juggernaut|Gigantic|Colossus|Leviathan|Tremendous"

this is an interesting one

I noticed this one a few years back, those are the "ship name" used in main map and ship descriptions in game. it uses random code selection to select a name from that single lexicon. I did test and more names can be added if separated by a Vertical Bar.

IIRC 2 monsters use this lexicon for ship name.
Interesting, I got curious on that entry as well. It is the only one of that kind and I had no clue. Will add some info. :up:

Tethys wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:54 pm I suppose this makes my post irrelevant. :D

Great job Flocke!
Thx! I hope you can make some good use of it! :D
But regarding your search for unused entries, like SCT I wonder whether it wouldn't be better to add new entries. Not only because we can't make sure there is not some hidden usage that's been overseen, but also for modding compatibility with UE, given it uses hard-coded indexing into the lexicon as well. :roll:

To clarify, for UE lexicon changes are perfectly fine, as long the meaning keeps same. Say you rename some race in every location. UE looks up the race names at their known vanilla lexicon indexes. It will read the new name and can display it just like ingame by the mod. When however you start to alter the lexicon indexes and patch trek.exe for it, UE has no clue and still reads from the very same old index.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

For those interested, I added same list to UE over here: ... of/dic/idx
The list isn't in use yet, but I added a button to number all the lexicon entries and did some sav game improvemnts that I'm still working on.
It's not yet merged to the master branch and there is no pre-compiled release yet either, but you might simply follow the readme guidlines to compile it yourself. :D
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Triple post, I now updated all the lexicon lookups of UE with proper labels.
For now I sticked with exact same values UE already used, however with the named indexes you now can easily spot some wrong labels.
Further it now becomes obvious, how much more readable the named lookups are! :D

see ... aa6711cef7
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Spocks-cuddly-tribble »

Here is a bit help for the monster mess.

Monsters don't use the second ship class label in shiplist.sst+28h e.g. 'Keldon'. Instead sub_44FAA4 stores via monster race ID:

206 XCube + two mumbers -> Cube %d of %d", borg cube name
205 TheCrystalEntity
160 Enormous|Juggernaut|Gigantic|Colossus|Leviathan|Tremendous -> Chodak random
115 TheCalamarain
418 Gomtuu
893 Outcast -> Tarellians
262 TheEdoGuardian
1389 EchoPapa607_2
970 Raider -> Husnock

You got them mixed up in three sections:

PROGRESS -> borg

combat encounter, combat enemy menu & events
## Data.Galaxy.Monsters ##

fleet labels it seems
## Data.Other.ShipRole ##

EDIT: the code is an inconsistent mess.

eg 205 TheCrystalEntity is shared

235 Devices -> plural for combat drones (should be unused since BotF prevents more than one monster/sector, except for first placement of cube copies)
cf. 207 BorgCubes
I don't know how many bugs is too many but that point is reached somewhere before however many in BotF is.
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Tethys »

Spocks-cuddly-tribble wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:46 am 235 Devices -> plural for combat drones (should be unused since BotF prevents more than one monster/sector, except for first placement of cube copies)
cf. 207 BorgCubes

I'm sure that can be fixed.. ;) I had a look at that git, Flocke, and if that's all there is to Java.. I think I'd pick up on that rather quickly. It looks a LOT like python. I am in the process of starting a painting business so I'm sure my progress with coding will be slowing down sadly. But I'm definitely not going away with all the cool things happening recently :D
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Re: Complete list of the 1460 lexicon.dic entries

Post by Flocke »

Spocks-cuddly-tribble wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:46 am Here is a bit help for the monster mess.

Monsters don't use the second ship class label in shiplist.sst+28h e.g. 'Keldon'. Instead sub_44FAA4 stores via monster race ID:
Thanks, I will try to incorporate that info. I however trouble a bit to check this ingame, given I currently don't have a working savegame at hand with any borg and adding one with UE doesn't seem to be fully working.

With the cube added by UE I only found the labels #98 and #207 in use.
  • #98 is shown on the map, on combat encounter, in combat fleet selection and details and even the event summary after battle
  • #207 I found being displayed along with #98 in combat fleet details
#206 on the other hand I couldn't identify anywhere, neither by the tooltips, so it might be that the code you refer is loaded, but never displayed and therefore meaningless. :eek:

For eg the Calamarain here a screenshot where you can see in galaxy map tooltips instead of the ship name some hardcoded value or one that is read from the sst or somewhere different is displayed. If it was from lexicon, it had to be a number as well, cause I replaced them all:
Calamarain.png (631.4 KiB) Viewed 3431 times
For the Borg it seems to be same, but for the one added by UE I get to see some "UPN Invalid" error label.
Borg.png (421.38 KiB) Viewed 3431 times
In battle it doesn't display any monster ship details, I can't look it up in the object database, and I can't go to redeploy screen where I otherwise might see it.
Actually, thinking about, I gave it a try and changed ownership with UE. Here you go, Borg ship details:
MyCube.png (567.46 KiB) Viewed 3431 times
still no number #206 :roll:

edit: before you ask, I can move the cube, I can go to battle with the borg on my side, when I hit turn in battle it however immediately crashes. And even in battle with my own cube, there is still no details and I can't select the cube. :sad:
Tethys wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:01 pmI had a look at that git, Flocke, and if that's all there is to Java.. I think I'd pick up on that rather quickly. It looks a LOT like python. I am in the process of starting a painting business so I'm sure my progress with coding will be slowing down sadly. But I'm definitely not going away with all the cool things happening recently :D
Great! It's really simple to set things up and make it compile when you follow the guide there. Getting into Java is a bit trickier, but some basic editing you often can do even when having no programming experience at all. Further, given all the source is under git source control and can be reverted all the time, there is no fear to break something, even if thunderchero gave you access to commit some updates. Ofc it always goes prettier and better somehow, but you would be welcome to participate and try! Just like Lathon if he's still around. :D
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