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Android or ios

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:29 am
by Rendard
Has anyone tried to port BOTF to android or iOS? I know that tablets and smart phones could run the game. I know that they would have to program it differently but could be done or is copyright prevented this from happing. I know micorpose is out of business. I think the people who make the civlation games have the property rights. Does anyone know if this possible or not. I would love to have a huge type mmo online it would great.

Re: Android or ios

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:11 am
by thunderchero
a few members have talked about it like you, but don't think any have gotten it to work.

closest is Linux

Mac OS X

if you have any luck post your results


Re: Android or ios

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:42 pm
by blotunga
BotF is in copyright hell right now. The code in theory was Microprose's, published by Hasbro, but Paramount has the Star Trek license. So a re-release could only happen if someone brought together all the parties and get them to agree to dig around in their legal vaults and then to either least sign over the rights or something. I don't see that happening soon. The good news is that Birth of the Empires is already on Android and still in development, albeit at a slower pace lately. And it's completely free and open source.