Combat Morale

Supremacy; support/discussion/questions

Moderators: thunderchero, Iceman

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Combat Morale

Post by Iceman »

Should we grant Morale bonuses for victories (and penalties for defeats) in battles vs minor races? Or just vs empires?
I'm asking because it might turn into a way to "farm" Morale bonuses.
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Re: Combat Morale

Post by Martok »

Is there a way to grant the morale bonus/penalty vs. minor races, but only if they field a fleet of a certain size (a minimum of 5 ships, for example)?

If it is possible, that might strike a decent balance between having the morale effect, but without it being overly exploitable. Just a thought.
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Re: Combat Morale

Post by Iceman »

Just like in BotF, there is a minimum "fleet size" for the bonus to apply - for both minors and majors.

What I'm worried about is if you find a minor that builds ships above that threshold, and park a fleet near them. Since the minor will keep spawning their ships if they're destroyed, you can exploit that to boost your morale.
It should only be the WinMinorVictory bonus, not sure if it is actually going to be a problem or not. Just something that occurred to me while implementing battle morale.
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